I received my Alu-Cab RTT ladder mount. Wasn't sure if it would work with the CVT ladder, but I figured they all came from the same factory in China, so whats the risk in rolling the dice?! Turns out it fits just fine, and probably will for most any brand.
It doesn't come assembled, but I'm in no rush to put it together. I will do so when I get the truck back up and running (the parts are now in Massachusetts so we're hopefuly for end of day tomorrow... at least then it would arrive on time for when it was originally scheduled).
I bought this because I found that I really didn't like storing it in the tent itself, and usually was in the way or got packed over if I put it in the cab. I really wanted a hard mounted place for it to just be. Ill be putting underneath the rooftop tent on the rails of the rack I think. May need to fabricate some things for it to work, but it should all come together soon.