Baja Honeymoon.... with a pinch of adventure


Heretic Car Camper
Many years ago I spent a Labor Day weekend at a friend's place in Los Barrilles. Theirs was the 4th or so place north of the American owned Hotel on the beach. The local version of tortillas only needs a thin smear of butter to be a breakfast pastry! One of my fondest memories of Rod is spending that weekend with he and his wife Carol. I was hot on the idea of a water-skiing concession on the bay. Right up until a shark took a Marlin off the leader.....

Unfortunately they sold it to build a place in La Paz, which I believe his widow still owns.
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Expedition Leader
[cough]your wife's hot[cough]

I mean....nice baja pics!!...haha!

Congrats, dude. I'm goin' on 8 years married w/ three kids, and I'm
more into my wife now than ever. She still surprises me and is still
super fun. :)

All the best!!

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2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
Looks like a great time and great pictures. The casita in which you stayed with the open kitchen reminds me of a horseshoe-shaped house we stayed once in the Keys where every room kitchen inclusive opened up to the inside and faced the ocean. Magnificent.


Perpetual Transient
Many years ago I spent a Labor Day weekend at a friend's place in Los Barrilles. Theirs was the 4th or so place north of the American owned Hotel on the beach. The local version of tortillas only needs a thin smear of butter to be a breakfast pastry! One of my fondest memories of Rod is spending that weekend with he and his wife Carol. I was hot on the idea of a water-skiing concession on the bay. Right up until a shark took a Marlin off the leader.....

Unfortunately they sold it to build a place in La Paz, which I believe his widow still owns.

We were buying those tortillas from the local supermarket and you are correct.... VERY good. That was part of the reason our grilled seafood night was so incredible.


Perpetual Transient
[cough]your wife's hot[cough]

I mean....nice baja pics!!...haha!

Congrats, dude. I'm goin' on 8 years married w/ three kids, and I'm
more into my wife now than ever. She still surprises me and is still
super fun. :)

All the best!!


Thanks and honestly, I could see us continuing to have more and more fun together over the years. She is pretty adventurous and loves travel. She's really been digging the overlanding stuff and I have talked her possibly into being apart of my round the world trip in a couple of years. Still gotta hammer out some of the details first though!


Perpetual Transient
Looks like a great time and great pictures. The casita in which you stayed with the open kitchen reminds me of a horseshoe-shaped house we stayed once in the Keys where every room kitchen inclusive opened up to the inside and faced the ocean. Magnificent.

Yeah, that is one of the things that really made it for me. We had this awesome morning routine of going for a run down the beach road, seeing whales spouting, and other happy marine life playing, then come back, sit on the kitchen patio and enjoy home pressed OJ and smoothies. Sooo nice. The fact that the weather is so nice there year round that you can have an open kitchen was so alien to this Yooper. That design definately wouldn't be as useable in Marquette's 7 month winter! HAHA


Perpetual Transient
What a great honeymoon!

Great to see you at Expo!


Yeah, great to see you again too down there. Nice to catch up, btw, got my frist taste of Flagstaff on our way out of Expo. AWESOME little town just like everyone says. Seeing snow made me feel at home after the 85 degrees in Amado! :Wow1:


Perpetual Transient
Here are a few more shots that I uploaded from my phone. Not as good of quality but captured the feeling of the trip more...

Like the food...



grilled fish and scallop tacos anyone?:drool:

Grilling up that parrot fish, which I think is my new favorite fish

And the spread we made that night


cattle meandering around town


Alex contemplating the lot we were looking at.


Her images she captured on the trip were stunning, put mine all to shame


That looks like so much fun. If you and Alex ever head down there again and are up for some fellow adventurers (which one would not typically want for a honeymoon :sombrero:) let us know. My wife is fluent in spanish having lived in Guatemala for a while, we had a blast heading to Cancun for our honeymoon. we'd totally be down for a Baha run. We always talk about heading back down there again.



Perpetual Transient
That looks like so much fun. If you and Alex ever head down there again and are up for some fellow adventurers (which one would not typically want for a honeymoon :sombrero:) let us know. My wife is fluent in spanish having lived in Guatemala for a while, we had a blast heading to Cancun for our honeymoon. we'd totally be down for a Baha run. We always talk about heading back down there again.


Frank, it would be awesome to share an adventure with you and Claire. I think those two would get along great as Alex lived in Costa Rica for four years and also is fluent in Spanish. Maybe next spring or June (2011) might work.


Perpetual Transient
Huge congrats Kristian!

This looks like a cool canyon to explore


Yeah, given the fact that 48 hours prior I was on snow, I had to seek out water that day! Going from winter to high 80's was a bit rugged of a transition!

Great to finally meet you at Expo as well. Thanks for the opportunity to work with OJ down there and meet Stephanie and the whole staff as well. Really great organization and I feel privileged to have been involved.

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