Baja - Mazatlan Ferry - how soon should participants reserve their tickets?

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
I believe there is a couple teams that are thinking of going down and Baja and taking the ferry - including us.

I heard it may get pretty busy around December and we should reserve in advance.

Does anyone have more info? How crowded/reliable is this ferry?

thank you!
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Expedition Leader
I crossed end of January but I showed up worried at 6am to buy my ticket, couldn't even buy it till 8am. At 8am, a line formed, myself and two other people!

I really wouldn't worry about it. I went from La Paz to Los Mochis though.

Ferry wasn't very busy, just a bunch of truckers getting drunk on red beers and then puking them up all over the bathrooms! :)


Good question, I'm not really sure when we'll make it to La Paz but figured we'd just take the next available. I figure 2-3 days from Mazatlan to Guantamawherever.

Christian, when do you plan on departing La Paz?

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Good question, I'm not really sure when we'll make it to La Paz but figured we'd just take the next available. I figure 2-3 days from Mazatlan to Guantamawherever.

Christian, when do you plan on departing La Paz?

Not sure. I just heard today that I won't really need to go back in the office for the rest of the year (will work remote only), so my schedule just got totally open now!!!
I am still processing that great news...


Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
I don't have any recent experience with the ferry from Baja to Mainland, however, I did make the crossing in the mid. '90's.
Getting tickets was a breeze back then, not sure about now.
The Japanese had just purchased the ferry business from the Mexicans, and had done zero repairs to the aging vessels.
Soon after we departed Baja one of the engines quit. About half way across the Sea of Cortez the other engine failed.
We floated in the ocean for a few hours before they brought one back to life, and we limped to the Mainland.
By the time we got to port the ship was a mess with people passed out all over and over flowing lavatories.
I hope your trip goes better than ours did many years ago.

(I'd do it again for the adventure and waves in a heart beat.)

Travel Core

New member
Baja Ferries

As far as I remember we did the trip with Baja Ferries from La Paz to Topolobambo because that is only 5hours. As we came into Topolomabmo around 2200 we camped in the harbour area for that night with a lot of travellers from around the world

check it out here
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Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
I can't seem a way to book the car ticket on this page, only the ticket for passenger.

Can someone enlight me?

aka rover


You have to add the car towards the end of the checkout, it got me the first time I looked at it . theres like 5 steps in the processs, its after you put the names of the passengers in.

Travel Core

New member

I will take the chance of getting the ticket at the harbour. We had no problem at all to get a ticket right there and so youre flexible if a señorita keeps you waiting for a day or two...:coffee:


just thought id post our experience since it was less than a month ago.

you'll be fine getting a ticket at the harbor. i'd recommend ging a day or two in advance to see how fast its filling, and the camping at Playa Tecolote overnight (or a few days) before your departure. awesome beach we had all to ourselves just 15 minutes out of lapaz.
unless its a sunday, then expect a bit of company :friday:

we opted out of baja ferries because we have our dog, but took the cargo ferry across and loved it

maybe a bit less plush, but you can sleep in you car if you want and it was a lot more of the "local" experience (and saved money to boot).
we try to go a few days in advance to book tickets and the just laughed and had us come back 2 hours before departure. 4 other couples have all followed in our footsteps since our ferry trip ad all has gone well (although a few reports say you should plan more time than the 2 hours..i would still check in a day or two prior).

heres the full report if it holds interest for you.


I would have opted for the cargo ferry so I could stay in my van if I had known about it a week ago. Oh well.


sorry man...
im just stumbling upon these threads now and trying to catch up... :smilies27
what day are you booked to come across?


No worries. I read your account about it the day after we booked. We sail Dec 6th if all goes well.

The Rover Shop

When I did Mexico by motorcycle a few years ago we just rolled up at the ferry terminal and was on the next cargo ferry across..we did it at night and since you are sleeping on the deck at night it was quite cold.. I would definitely recommend the cargo ferry.. Way cheaper and a lot less hassle..that's the way we think we will be going across..

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