Some news for 2dr JK owners - I've just been asked to get the slider window retrofit kit for late model 2dr factory hardtops into production. They kit will look exactly like the JKU windows in the photo below except they'll be longer to fit the window opening in the 2dr.
I've already been in touch with the hardware company that's manufacturing the JKU retrofit kit to tell them to expect to be getting a prototype 2dr kit from me so they can do the manufacturing engineering, the bad news is that I'm traveling for the next 3 weeks so there will be a little delay until I can get it to them. I have done a prototype 2dr retrofit kit already although I outfitted it with a cargo hatch instead of a slider window, so as soon as I get back from my travels I'll whip up a prototype kit for slider windows (there's a difference in the size/shape of the hole in the retrofit kit between the window and hatch versions). The cargo hatch retrofit kit is pictured below.
I'll post updates as the project progresses; expect a summer release date.