I got an email the other day from one of the companies that provided me with components for the fridge/kitchen project. In it they said: "Are you in a position to either send the protos or any drawings? If it is possible we'd like to feature this at SEMA." So I guess they're interested in maybe turning it into a product. I've been keeping them up to date on the progress of the project with periodic photos, so now I'll send them drawings and annotated photos of the components, and if after seeing that they need the prototype parts I'll deliver those to them.
I've suggested to them a component strategy for the product, consisting of a base system, an optional Molle panel/Rotopax/Rubican mount, and an optional additional fold-down side table. I did the following illustrations to explain the idea to them.
Any thoughts I should pass along to them as they decide if they are going to go ahead with the system?
I like the idea of having it optional and adding what you would want when purchasing or at a later date. Outside of that I think it is awesome that they are interested in it.