Barn Door for JK factory hardtops


I got an email the other day from one of the companies that provided me with components for the fridge/kitchen project. In it they said: "Are you in a position to either send the protos or any drawings? If it is possible we'd like to feature this at SEMA." So I guess they're interested in maybe turning it into a product. I've been keeping them up to date on the progress of the project with periodic photos, so now I'll send them drawings and annotated photos of the components, and if after seeing that they need the prototype parts I'll deliver those to them.

I've suggested to them a component strategy for the product, consisting of a base system, an optional Molle panel/Rotopax/Rubican mount, and an optional additional fold-down side table. I did the following illustrations to explain the idea to them.




Any thoughts I should pass along to them as they decide if they are going to go ahead with the system?

I like the idea of having it optional and adding what you would want when purchasing or at a later date. Outside of that I think it is awesome that they are interested in it.

Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
I like the idea of having it optional and adding what you would want when purchasing or at a later date. Outside of that I think it is awesome that they are interested in it.

Agreed! :), also agree with the painted fenders looking awesome.
I liked them in black, but body color is definitely awesome. :victory:


Expedition Leader
I like the idea of having it optional and adding what you would want when purchasing or at a later date. Outside of that I think it is awesome that they are interested in it.

Thanks Donny. I figure the company must have heard that you reviewed the system in Florida and gave it the Donny Seal of Approval :).

Agreed! :), also agree with the painted fenders looking awesome.
I liked them in black, but body color is definitely awesome. :victory:

Thank you Scott.

About the fenders... about 3 weeks ago we had a discussion in here about whether the flat fenders should become a commercial product. Here's what I've decided - if a company with fiberglass capabilities is interested in bringing them to market I'd be happy to see them get to market, and I'd be happy to deliver the mold masters to them so they can make their production molds.

But if a company without their own fiberglass capabilties wants to bring them to market but needs me to help them to production by overseeing the production mold-making and testing process with a third-party fiberglass company, due to many other commitments for the rest of the year I really don't have time to do that, so I'll have to pass.

Unfortunately I also don't have time to seek out any companies that might be interested in these, so unless a company contacts me, these will end up being on-offs for my Jeep.


Expedition Leader
I've been thinking more about accessorizing the new door hinges. Here's a few new ideas...


Or a universal mounting grid like this one I did a while back for the tailgate hinges:



Expedition Leader
I like them in black, but you win- color matched is a knock out, I vote keep them on

Thanks. I like them in black too, but I thought they should be color matched because I can't recall ever seeing an MB/CJ-2a that didn't have color matched fenders...


Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
You should have seen my buddies old flat fender hunting rig. The only thing that matched on it was the numerous coffee stains on the seats! :elkgrin:

Hopefully a fiberglass company will take note of these. If not, your rig just becomes that much more "personalized". :)


I need to go pull a tape measure, but could the fender plate be used to mount a spare tire? Do you think it would hold a 33" tire and steel rim?

I threw an unmounted tire up there and that wont work, to big a blind spot.

Maybe a side mount on the passenger side bolted to the tub and the rear hinge upper bolts,, using your side window replacement. I have the Rhino Rack Backbone system so it could tie into that and the roll bar, at least on the two door. I was lazy and strapped it to the drivers side to demo.

Passenger side would be better with the gas tank on on the drivers side, or drivers side to leave the passenger side unobstructed to check the blind spot..

For those that have a rear tire carrier the side mount this might be easier then a roof rack mounted second spare, and save space on the roof rack.

Either side would solve my spare tire mount.
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Expedition Leader
I need to go pull a tape measure, but could the fender plate be used to mount a spare tire? Do you think it would hold a 33" tire and steel rim?

I threw an unmounted tire up there and that wont work, to big a blind spot.

Maybe a side mount on the passenger side bolted to the tub and the rear hinge upper bolts,, using your side window replacement. I have the Rhino Rack Backbone system so it could tie into that and the roll bar, at least on the two door. I was lazy and strapped it to the drivers side to demo.

Passenger side would be better with the gas tank on on the drivers side, or drivers side to leave the passenger side unobstructed to check the blind spot..

For those that have a rear tire carrier the side mount this might be easier then a roof rack mounted second spare, and save space on the roof rack.

Either side would solve my spare tire mount.

Whenever I do any overland travel, I carry an extra spare, usually on the roof. That's in addition to my normal spare in the customary location, but if you only carried one spare how about on the roof?


The only other place I've ever thought about carrying a spare is on the hood, I was thinking about molding a custom hood with a recess to mount the spare in:


It's a common place for a Land Rover spare:


I started a thread on the hood-mounted spare a while back and there was a lot of negativity about it so I didn't pursue it any further.

Another option might be mounted in front of the hardtop window like you suggest, a spare mount could be created to mount it there. A while back at the request of another forum member I did this preliminary design sketch. Haven't built a prototype or considered what would be necessary to support a spare safely, but mounting it on a panel like this is a possibility. The one in this sketch is designed to mount with no drilling; might have to do some drilling for something as large and heavy as a spare, I'd have to spend some design time on it to decide what's necessary.



New member
Not sure reinforcing the rack by tying into the sports bar would lend enough strength to support a heavy spare, but it would probably help with heavier accessories to do something like this: (forgive my crude sketch)
Side rack.jpg

It would require drilling through the top and weatherproofing, but a simple brace like those that support the roof-rack in the JK and LJ safari cabs would be possible, while still remaining affordable I bet.


Expedition Leader
Not sure reinforcing the rack by tying into the sports bar would lend enough strength to support a heavy spare, but it would probably help with heavier accessories to do something like this: (forgive my crude sketch)
View attachment 413212

It would require drilling through the top and weatherproofing, but a simple brace like those that support the roof-rack in the JK and LJ safari cabs would be possible, while still remaining affordable I bet.

Yes, that would work.

If I thought there would be enough interest in the hardtop side mount to make it worthwhile to pursue as a design/possible production project, I'm sure I would find ways to make it strong enough; my first goal would be to do that without drilling the hardtop though.


With my raft on the roof a 33" spare wont fit up there.

I think with your rear window adapter and a metal plate cut to fit instead of the sliding glass and add inside bracing to the sport cage, tie into the tub, and brace to the Rhino Rack Backbone it could work. My neighbor has some very nice fabrication skills but he is up north right now. Hopefully the two door slider kits will be out before he gets back and I can see what he can come up with.

If a Molle panel like above can tie into the Rhino Rack Backbone maybe they would be interested in it. Ild be curious how it would fit between the hard top and tub, although it could bolt through the top into lower frame of the Backbone system, you already have to drill the top to mount the rack anyway. To mount a spare to it I think it will still need more internal bracing.




Once my neighbor is back Ill have him look at the Molle idea for the Rhino Rack and see what he comes up with, just trying to expand on your idea.
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I remember your hood mount idea for a spare mount, I liked that quite a bit. There isnt a lot of room under there but the hood could be recessed a little but would need to be re enforced.

This is a 33x12.5 spare on the hood. With my driving style if the tire was an 1" or 2" lower I could deal with this, or maybe a skinnier tire in the same height.


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Expedition Leader
Update on the MultiPod LED system I've been working on - the company that's signed up for them posted this update today on another forum so I'll copy it here:
UPDATE: We hope to have the LED pods and custom mounts available to order within the next 2 to 3 weeks on our website. We are currently working on getting the content added to our website. :)


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