Barn Door for JK factory hardtops


Expedition Leader
Personally I would not consider a tank, unless it was aluminum.

Would that be for weight reasons or because of fear of rust?

I'll be doing some testing with and without the tank to see how long it takes to perform various tasks. I'd expect if the tank is filled to 200 psi (the max operating pressure of this compressor), it could air up tires faster than without a tank. But I'll do some testing to see it that's true.

The good news is that it's a 100% duty cycle compressor so it can run continuously. Airing up 4 large tires could take a long time and could overheat a 33% or 50% duty cycle compressor.


Expedition Leader
Another view of the tire table when I was testing it in the MORryde booth (again, it's not a MORryde product). The reason it was given to me is because of my camping trip over the next few days, they want a review of how it works out on a trip like that. It seems like a good complement to the already large counter space the Trail Kitchen has. I'll have to see how it works out. Trail camping photos to come.



That MORryde display is really well done. It must give you a good feeling to see so many of your concepts, designs, and finished products all in one place.


Expedition Leader
That MORryde display is really well done. It must give you a good feeling to see so many of your concepts, designs, and finished products all in one place.

Thank you!

Someone asked yesterday if MORryde would be willing to sell the display, they wanted to make a trailer out of it :).

The display idea started several months ago when I was in a meeting with MORryde, we were discussing what they should do for the show. Their engineers were thinking about building some sort of frame to hold a tailgate that could show the Overland Rack and I suggested they check Craigslist and eBay for JK tubs. I found the tub for them on eBay, it was $600. They did a fantastic job turning it into a display.

The fun for me is hanging out at the booth listening to the MORryde guys present the products to people and hearing the reactions they get from people. There was lots of great feedback on the Trail Kitchen this week, way more positive than I expected, that was a very good feeling. Great comments on the Overland Rack too, especially from people who are familiar with the competition.


I've been experimenting a bit more with the Rubican containers on the LJ. Notice anything different in this photo?


I installed a spigot in the cap so water can be dispensed without removing the container from the mount.



The spigot was about 5 bucks on eBay with free shipping.

The spigot works when there's cargo on the rack too, I just rotate it so it points down.


BTW I've been having email issues for the past 24 hours, so if you've tried to send me an email and I haven't responded it's probably because I didn't receive your email. I'm not 100% sure everything's resolved yet, hopefully will be soon.

What type of spigot did you use for the rubican? Any particular size? Thanks.


Another view of the tire table when I was testing it in the MORryde booth (again, it's not a MORryde product). The reason it was given to me is because of my camping trip over the next few days, they want a review of how it works out on a trip like that. It seems like a good complement to the already large counter space the Trail Kitchen has. I'll have to see how it works out. Trail camping photos to come.

They were at expo east with it I didn't really get a chance to look but I also wasn't really looking for it or wanting it one more thing to carry lol. I'm curious to know your thoughts on it Jeff after you finish camping. Speaking of its that time enjoy the camping portion. I'm curious to hear about that also. Enjoy!!!

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Thank you!

Someone asked yesterday if MORryde would be willing to sell the display, they wanted to make a trailer out of it :).

The display idea started several months ago when I was in a meeting with MORryde, we were discussing what they should do for the show. Their engineers were thinking about building some sort of frame to hold a tailgate that could show the Overland Rack and I suggested they check Craigslist and eBay for JK tubs. I found the tub for them on eBay, it was $600. They did a fantastic job turning it into a display.

The fun for me is hanging out at the booth listening to the MORryde guys present the products to people and hearing the reactions they get from people. There was lots of great feedback on the Trail Kitchen this week, way more positive than I expected, that was a very good feeling. Great comments on the Overland Rack too, especially from people who are familiar with the competition.
That is awesome. When you posted the pic I was like whoa that is a nice booth there.

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Expedition Leader
I've been offline since last Saturday when I left Las Vegas for Death Valley to do some off road exploring/camping. I'm now on the way back to NY and back online, I'll post photos of the Death Valley expedition as soon as I get a chance. Until then I'll answer a few questions that have been posted in my absence...

What type of spigot did you use for the rubican? Any particular size? Thanks.

The one I used I found on eBay, it's made by Tomlinson:

Having the spigot in the Rubican and mounting the Rubican on the side of the slide-out kitchen was extremely handy over the past few days camping.




There is only 1 question everyone wants to know Jeff. Are you now a full time explorer living out of your roof top tent? :D How was the trip. Hope you enjoyed it!


I know you have used the MORryde side water cans that you designed on other treks. Why not this one? Looks like they carry a bit more water, which might come in handy in a place with the word "Death" in the name. :) Just curious, since I figure you have a good reason that I might learn from!



Expedition Leader
There is only 1 question everyone wants to know Jeff. Are you now a full time explorer living out of your roof top tent? :D How was the trip. Hope you enjoyed it!

Camped two nights in different National Park Service campgrounds and one night in the wild miles from the nearest road or human. Camping in campgrounds was ok (except for the group of Jeepers who parked nearby the first night and partied until very late), all things considered I'd probably prefer a hotel, but camping in the wild was great. The ability to pull off a trail anywhere I wanted and set up camp for the night completely off the grid was fantastic. Nights were about 65 degrees, so was able to sleep very nicely with all the windows open in the RTT and let the breeze pass through.

I'll post lots of pics and reports of how everything performed (including the JKU Safari Cab's first off-road shake-down test) as soon as I get a chance to get the pics off the camera and organize everything.

On the way home now, went from Death Valley to western Colorado today, probably will get to Omaha tomorrow, Elkhart Thursday and home Friday.


Expedition Leader
I know you have used the MORryde side water cans that you designed on other treks. Why not this one? Looks like they carry a bit more water, which might come in handy in a place with the word "Death" in the name. :) Just curious, since I figure you have a good reason that I might learn from!


I used the Rubicans for water for several reasons, most importantly that the Rubican mounts to the side of the slide-out kitchen and therefore is easily accessible when cooking. Filled pots with it, washed dishes with it, drank from it, all right at the kitchen. Wouldn't be that convenient using the side mounts. (I posted a couple of photos of the kitchen-mounted Rubican earlier today so I won't repeat them here)

Also was very nice to put the spare water containers on the rack, out of the way.


Mostly I use the side mounts for spare fuel, although on this trip my distances from gas wouldn't be so far that I'd need to carry any extra fuel so all I carried was a 5-liter NATO can on a tailgate hinge mount, visible in this photo I took in the hotel parking garage in Las Vegas (and the photo above).

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