The painting process for all of the Safari Cab parts except for the roof is complete. The Eastwood matte clear gave me exactly the level of matte I was looking for. These photos are about 15 minutes after shooting (about how long it takes me to clean the spray gun) and the matte level is alreay just about perfect. As it cures all the way it'll flatten ever so slightly more.
In the photo above you can see the inside of the barn door, it's painted white to match the white-tinted bedliner on the inside of the side and rear panels. Also on the workbench in white is the cover for the wiper cavity. Below is the other side, it's Spice.
Side panels:
End panel:
Upper jambs:
Up until now I've had temporary acrylic windows in place, the next step is to replace them with safety glass. I talked to the glass place today and they're waiting for me to bring them templates for them to cut to. I'll do that next week.