Barn Door for JK factory hardtops


Expedition Leader
Do you sell these Safari Cab hardtops? Or would I have to have one made somewhere else?

The JKU Safari Cab hardtop in this thread is the first (and only) one to come out of the molds so far. At present I don't have any plans for the JKU/JK Safari Cab to be a commercial product, but if that changes I'll announce it here.


Expedition Leader
Arrived Las Vegas last night for the SEMA Show after a 4-day cross-country drive. Drive was uneventful, load on top was very well behaved, even at 85 mph across Utah. Took a quick photo at an overlook to Black Dragon Canyon in the middle of Utah...


Spent some time last night with the MORryde folks helping them get their booth set up. Among the things they're showing this year - the prototype fridge slide/kitchen, a pre-production Overland tailgate rack (and of course the HD tailgate hinges/tailgate reinforcement/large spare carrier), the Storegate tailgate storage compartment and the inner fender ammo can holders. Also showing the new HD door hinges (not on a Jeep, on the poster at left in the first photo). I'll do some detailed photos of the booth today, last night I just had time for these two quick shots.




Awesome jscherb - I have been checking daily (ok hourly) for these posts from SEMA from you! Keep 'em coming . . .

Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
It finally dawned on me last night when I was looking at 5th wheels, what a large company MORyde is.
Pretty awesome to see the diversity of product they are involved in.

Hope the show goes awesome. :beer:


Expedition Leader
It finally dawned on me last night when I was looking at 5th wheels, what a large company MORyde is.
Pretty awesome to see the diversity of product they are involved in.

Hope the show goes awesome. :beer:

Yup, MORryde is about 50 years old and is one of the leading components suppliers in the RV market. Their Jeep line is only a few years old, started with my HD tailgate hinges. Here's the Jeep section of their web site, although not all of their products are on the site yet: (BTW all of the products are my designs ;)).

I took lots of photos at the show of things I found interesting, as soon as I get a few minutes I'll get some posted.


Expedition Leader
So I was walking the show floor when a text came in from Donny, he asked me if I had seen the AEV camper on display. Coincidentally I was within a few steps of the AEV booth at when the test came in, so I took a few pictures for Donny. Here goes...





It's apparently a pop-top camper, although I don't think they had it open today. Hopefully they'll open it at some time during the show and I'll get photos of that. Did get one photo of some of the hardware the top opens with...



Expedition Leader
A photo of a poster that was in the MORryde booth:


The new HD door hinges also made it into the SEMA New Product Showcase:



Expedition Leader
Found this collection of Molle bags/pouches interesting. I like the velcro labels on the bags (not that these labels are particularly useful).



Expedition Leader
A photo of the Jeep section FCA display at the SEMA Show today taken from the nearby escalator. I was hoping they'd have a JL on display but there were only the same concept Jeeps they showed at Moab EJS earlier this year. They did do a press conference announcing the JL today but I didn't attend.



Expedition Leader
The reaction to the Trail Kitchen surprised me in that people with in other vehicle communities were very interested - the Toyota crowd seems very interested in it, for example. What I heard from people is that they really liked how it's self contained and deploys very quickly by sliding it out and folding the table out, and that people hadn't seen anything on the market with as much counter space as this one has. The good news is there's really nothing specific about the main kitchen that requires it be installed in a Jeep, it would be easy to install in a Toyota, a Sprinter or some other SUV-type vehicle.


A little better photo of the Overland Rack. I'm trying to decide if I want to take this prototype home from the show for testing or have them ship me one later.

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