Barn Door for JK factory hardtops


Expedition Leader
Since we took possession of the new to us 200-year old house in January, I've made at least one trip per week transporting things from the old house to the new place. Most of these trips have been with the JKU but plenty of them were with the LJ or the pickup, depending on what I needed to carry. The trailer was on every one of the 500+-mile round trips, plus it did a trip out to Overland West and Bantam, so it's done a lot of miles this year.

My trips will end next week, actual movers are coming on Monday to move the rest of the stuff in the house. Mostly I've been moving the few things we need to live in the new place plus things I didn't want the movers to deal with, but transporting all of those items is now done and the movers can do the rest.

This trip I decided to bring the bicycles, this is the first time I've used the tailgate-reinforcement mounted bike rack along with the trailer. The bike rack and trailer don't interfere with each other so everything worked out just fine.



Spotted you on I81 close the to PA/NY border heading north (I was stuck in that traffic heading south on Sunday.
Could not get a picture in time.


Expedition Leader
Spotted you on I81 close the to PA/NY border heading north (I was stuck in that traffic heading south on Sunday.
Could not get a picture in time.
The traffic you were in was 3 1/2 miles long, I clocked it. Glad I was going the other way.

This is our last trip north to Elmira. The movers arrived yesterday and finished the packing, today they'll start loading. The move is going so quickly because of all the trips I've made since January with loads in the trailer. I'll be driving back south tomorrow, leaving Elmira for the last time.

I'll have to check Google maps before I leave, might decide to take local roads from Elmira to Clarks Summit (where I pick up 476 south) to avoid that traffic.

After the movers left last night I did some photography and videos of the Auxbeam rock lights I installed on the roof rack to test their use as campsite lights. Here are two frames from one of the videos... the rock lights do make excellent camp lights. Stay tuned for a full review...



Expedition Leader
I haven't worked on any design ideas for Overland Outfitters in quite a while but recently they asked me to do a larger first aid bag for them, something that could be used for advanced first aid in the wild or used by first responders. I'm suggesting they do a version of their Tactical Tool Bag with different inserts optimized for medical supplies instead of tools.

The tool bag has "pages" that get secured inside the bag with Velcro, so doing a version of the bag in red with a first aid patch and a new set of inserts should be pretty easy.


I asked them to make me a red one for my design work, like the tool bag it can also zip to the back of the seat. A few quick photos of the basic bag prototype in my JKU:



I'm working on the insert "pages" now, in this photo some of them are laid out on a counter in a spare room. I researched what a typical first responder might carry and I think I've got most items accounted for, but if there are any first responders, nurses or other trained first aid people reading this who have advice for items I should accomodate in this bag I'd be very grateful for any feedback or advice.



Expedition Leader
I used my tailgate-mounted bike rack today to bring my bike from storage to the house (until the garage is done, I won't have a place to store it at the house), and it occurred to me that while I've posted photos of this design before, I never posted a video showing how it goes into place. The two arms of the rack are collapsible and store in a minimum of space; to install, they hinge open and slip into receivers that are mounted between the spare carrier and the tailgate (ideally with a tailgate reinforcement installed as well). The arms are designed to hold two bikes, and spaces them out so the SpareHopper spare tire storage bag can remain in place. It takes about 30 seconds...

Add a few seconds to secure the straps that keep the bike in place on the arms, I didn't include that step in the video but they're standard bike-rack style straps that are quick to secure.

These photos show the receivers, on the left is my JKU and on the right is my LJ; the bike rack works the same on both.


There are also hitch pins that secure the arms in place in the receivers, and hitch pins that lock the arms in the open position but I've found that they're unnecessary and I never use them.

I've got a bunch of other accessories that slip into these receivers, such as an over-spare rack and Rotopax/jerry can carriers but the bike rack is the one I use the most.

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Expedition Leader
If there's one thing that almost all Wrangler owners can agree on, it's that the nets on the door panels suck. The first time you use them they'll probably stretch and before long they'll stretch to the point where they hang below the bottom of the door and prevent the door from closing.

Some years ago I designed replacement door pockets; OO picked up the design and they tell me it's been one of their very best sellers ever since.


The other net that stretches is the one in the dash in front of the shifter. I use mine to keep a variety of small items handy, and it's stretched over time as well.


I decided to try to improve the situation with a replacement pocket so I made one out of leather.


I sewed an OO emblem on it in case they like it enough to turn it into a product :). I installed it with double-sided tape this morning.





In it I've got a small multi-tool, a flashlight, a chapstick, a pack of gum and a small camping salt shaker. I like this pocket much better than the stretched net and it's easier to get things into and out of.

I do need to find the right tape to install it though; I tried 3M Automotive Mounting Tape and it works but doesn't stick well enough to the plastic dash to give me confidence that it's going to last. I'm sure there's something better out there.


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The door panels yes, they are useless for anything other than a topo map. The middle console netting is worse as the holes are far to big for anything small, add in the joy of trying to get something like a sun-glass case out of it if it has pointy ends like my ray-ban case.
This is a great idea and I hope they pick it up.


I installed the door pockets on my wifes JLU, and the nets were still perfect!
Great design Jeff, keep 'em coming.


Expedition Leader
I installed the door pockets on my wifes JLU, and the nets were still perfect!
Great design Jeff, keep 'em coming.
Thanks for the nice comments. About the same time you were posting, someone on a JL forum posted this about the JL door pockets:

I am very happy with the Overland Outfitters pockets. I think they look great, and they've been very useful, while also not intrusive
Definitely happy with them.
(The front pouch is even large enough to hold my metal water bottle)


I'm glad so many people find them useful :).


Expedition Leader
The SEMA Show in Las Vegas is in about 5 weeks, I've gone every year for about the last 12 years. My badge for the show came about a month ago, and every year about this time I spend some time reviewing the exhibitor list/floorplan to make a list of things I definitely want to see, vendors I want to talk to, etc. The floor plan is here:, feel free to check it out and if you see any vendors you think I should definitely check out, let me know and it it's worthwhile I'll post photos.

For the last few years I haven't attended the show on Friday because that's the day the public can buy tickets to get in and it's a zoo, it's hard to get any real business done that day, and this year I have to be home by the weekend because the Monday after the show I have a flight to India so I may not even stay the full day Thursday. The show is T/W/Th/F, so if I'm efficient I can do what I need to in less than 3 full days.


Expedition Leader
I've been thinking about getting an Ineos Grenadier. I first drove one on the test track at Overland West, and in the past few weeks I've visited a local dealer twice and driven models that they have on the lot. Yesterday we visited the dealer for another test drive and looked at a black one (the black one pictured below is a photo I found online).

We had to do another test drive because the first one was disappointing - as it comes from the factory the steering requires a lot of effort, so much that my wife said if we bought one she wouldn't drive it often. The one we drove yesterday had an aftermarket "steering stabilizer" installed and the effort was much reduced and she was happy. I use quotes because I don't know exactly what the aftermarket part is - on a Jeep, a steering stabilizer is basically a shock absorber that goes on the steering tie rod but this may be different.

They have a black one on the lot with some of the options that I want, although not all of the options I would need. The "drive away" price, including Delaware title and tags, is $81,572, which includes a $5k discount that applies to certain models.

I would have to figure out how to equip it the way I've done the JKU - MORryde Trail Kitchen (shouldn't be hard), kitchen battery and charging system, rooftop slide-out solar under a rack, front receiver for a winch (looks like I'd have to design and build this, there is one available as a factory option, but it's not on this particular one and it's not a dealer-installable option). And a few other things.

I post about this here because if I do decide to get this, I would be getting rid of one of my Jeeps. The most likely candidate to go is the JKU. I probably wouldn't trade it in because I'd get no credit for the custom things I've added to it, so I'd probably offer the Safari Cab hardtop for sale on the forum and also probably the flat fenders - I have the factory top and fenders and I'd probably swap them back on to sell the Jeep and sell the top and fenders to somewhere they'd be put to good use.


And before you ask why I would buy a Grenadier instead of a JLU, I doubt I'll ever buy another Jeep. I don't like the JL; my friend who is the lead Jeep tech at the dealer in my old town has told me lots of quality and reliability stories about JLs, they're too expensive for what you get, and with each successive generation of Jeep they become more minivan-like in terms of interior design and finishes and less utilitarian. Until Jeep wises up and offers something a little more in line with their heritage, I'm done with new Jeeps.


I have looked at the Grenadier myself and I have only seen one in person, it was much smaller than I expected base on what every auto blog had said.
The dealer for me is over 2 hours away and that is a stopper for me until one comes to the DC area, I am not sure if my local BMW can service this.
I like them, however I am concerned that they have stop productions due to a suppliers problems (many are pointing to Recaro) But hopefully that is just a bump and they will be back on top soon.
It is amazing the amount of extras they have for this vehicle.

I agree with you on the JK/ JKU. Mine is one of my favorite vehicles and it was to go to my 16 year old son when he started driving, I did not do that and kept it, he got something else. They are simple, easy to work on etc. Less electronics controlling everything and reminds me more of my CJ than the JL does (like the exrterior light placement). The interir of the JL is just not my cup of tea, maybe it is the vent placement but something.

If you do decide to sell the hard top and the fenders on your JK, let me know I would be interested in both or at the very least the hard top (with the mods for sure). I am sure I am not the only one either.


Expedition Leader
I've been thinking about getting an Ineos Grenadier. I first drove one on the test track at Overland West, and in the past few weeks I've visited a local dealer twice and driven models that they have on the lot. Yesterday we visited the dealer for another test drive and looked at a black one (the black one pictured below is a photo I found online).

We had to do another test drive because the first one was disappointing - as it comes from the factory the steering requires a lot of effort, so much that my wife said if we bought one she wouldn't drive it often. The one we drove yesterday had an aftermarket "steering stabilizer" installed and the effort was much reduced and she was happy. I use quotes because I don't know exactly what the aftermarket part is - on a Jeep, a steering stabilizer is basically a shock absorber that goes on the steering tie rod but this may be different.

They have a black one on the lot with some of the options that I want, although not all of the options I would need. The "drive away" price, including Delaware title and tags, is $81,572, which includes a $5k discount that applies to certain models.

I would have to figure out how to equip it the way I've done the JKU - MORryde Trail Kitchen (shouldn't be hard), kitchen battery and charging system, rooftop slide-out solar under a rack, front receiver for a winch (looks like I'd have to design and build this, there is one available as a factory option, but it's not on this particular one and it's not a dealer-installable option). And a few other things.

I post about this here because if I do decide to get this, I would be getting rid of one of my Jeeps. The most likely candidate to go is the JKU. I probably wouldn't trade it in because I'd get no credit for the custom things I've added to it, so I'd probably offer the Safari Cab hardtop for sale on the forum and also probably the flat fenders - I have the factory top and fenders and I'd probably swap them back on to sell the Jeep and sell the top and fenders to somewhere they'd be put to good use.

View attachment 854978

And before you ask why I would buy a Grenadier instead of a JLU, I doubt I'll ever buy another Jeep. I don't like the JL; my friend who is the lead Jeep tech at the dealer in my old town has told me lots of quality and reliability stories about JLs, they're too expensive for what you get, and with each successive generation of Jeep they become more minivan-like in terms of interior design and finishes and less utilitarian. Until Jeep wises up and offers something a little more in line with their heritage, I'm done with new Jeeps.
The dealer checked and texted me that a front receiver can be dealer installed at a cost of $684.


Expedition Leader
A while back at Overland West my JK was being used by both Overland Outfitters and MORryde to show products and in addition to having a number of both of their products in my Jeep I also had my prototype suction-mount trail table installed:


At the show MORryde asked me what I was doing with the table after the show, to which I responded "letting you take it back to Elkhart to turn it into a product?". Correct answer.

The other day they sent me a prototype of their adaptation of my design to test and comment on. Here are a few photos of it hanging onto the windows of my hardtop. It's got most of the features and details of my original design, although it looks a bit different. They've been showing at RV Shows a lot (MORryde is mostly an RV company) and they tell me it's getting a lot of attention there as an RV accessory.



I'm sending MORryde detailed feedback on their prototype, both as a suction mount and as a btailgate mount. Not sure where it will go from here, but I do have a meeting in a few weeks at the SEMA Show with a suction mount company. I met this company at SEMA a while back, they were working on powered suction mounts - instead of pumping a button to increase the suction, you push a button and an electric pump inside the cup does it. And what's really nice about them is that they sense if suction is being lost and automatically pump when needed. Two AA batteries inside. I took these photos at their booth at SEMA; they say they are now ready for testing and MORryde is getting some samples to these with the table.


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