Well, it has been a while - with a long week of business travel leading up to a long weekend of driving home I was knocked out. I spent the last few days catching up and am now finally able to post up some pictures of where she stands today. I will do this across a few different posts starting with my arrival at CBI this past Friday. I watched the truck come together before my eyes. I lent a hand wherever I could. The end result...amazing. I could not be happier with the way this project turned out. The crew at CBI: Steve, Sam, Keegan, and Nathan are simply class acts! Their work will speak for itself as you view Bear come to life. So sit back, grab a snickers, popcorn, or some carrots, and enjoy. I am happy to meet anyone in the Bay Area who would like to take a look up close at my rig...just shoot me a PM :safari-rig:
I walk in and see her for the first time in 4 weeks. It feels like it has been ages. I get goosebumps. Now keep in mind that I was able to get a sneak peak of all the other components powder coated and ready to mount so the excitement just kept building and building.
Transfer tank strap bolted and tight, the thing will not budge.
Awesome sliders. Some do not like the tubing, I love it..and the kick-out. Will it be a pain in the *** some times, sure, but they will sure as hell protect me when I need it most.
Exhaust re-routed and heat protected so no wires will be exposed to immense heat.
First look at the front skid.