Can't remembered if I have weighed in before, but I will now.
CB's are a thing of the past IMO, almost a relic that some continue to cling to

I've been into them since I was 12, had an antenna on the roof of my parents house (magnetic whip attached to the swamp cooler). I could hit the interstate up to 10 miles on a very good day. I was using a 15W? Midland 23 channel base station, with USB & LSB, rarely did I ever find someone on the side bands. I've always had one in my rigs, mostly because it was the "protocol" amongst group runs. More and more when I'm out on trips, its either the FRMS or the HAM. Sorry, even the most well tuned CB is only as good as the other guys. HAM's don't seem to have nearly the tuning deficiencies that every single CB I know has. We're luck to get a 5 mile range with the CB's on club runs and such, the FRMS radios are nearly as good.
I know Scenic Wonder Runner has had some good results (60 miles???) but even 20 miles is the exception rather than the rule. Even an improperly tuned mobile HAM on simplex is getting that... add a tuned setup and you easily double it, consider repeaters and the distance is multiplied. I'm relatively new to the HAM scene (2 yrs), but I wouldn't recommend anyone spend $100 on a CB setup when another $100 and a time commitment will get you a far superior setup IMO. I'll likely always have a CB in my rigs, I do enough with different groups that it will likely never be eliminated... but if I had my choice everyone would be running the F/GMRS units or HAM... cleaner reception that doesn't leave you scratching your head after each broadcast.