Best CB set-up:

gary in ohio

Scenic WonderRunner said:
Great Choice there Doc!

We ought to do a distance talk test sometime. We might just get some folks to start luvin' CB Radio's....again!:26_7_2:

The article is nice, but has not technical specs that can be compared against other antenna's. Handling 20,000 watt is worthless info, you only legal on 12watts, VERY few have 20kw. Being able to get the SWR to 1.1 is another worthless fact. How about gain figures, How about something that can be measured against other antennas. The web site has a "Q" measurement but again its worthless info.

Scenic WonderRunner

gary in ohio said:
The article is nice, but has not technical specs that can be compared against other antenna's. Handling 20,000 watt is worthless info, you only legal on 12watts, VERY few have 20kw. Being able to get the SWR to 1.1 is another worthless fact. How about gain figures, How about something that can be measured against other antennas. The web site has a "Q" measurement but again its worthless info.

It's not my article....Gary.

It's just links and info from the Wilson website......which was "ON Topic" with what TACODOC said above.......and he really seems to like his Wilson Antenna!

Obviously your CB Radio is just not working for you.....and you don't like CB Radios..........I'm the answer is simple. Just stop using it. They are junk! Right?

It's real simple..........just search the net...........don't ask me.....what the heck do I know!

One example/link...........

I think it's high time for a long distance test!

In Fact.......go over to and ask "B~Spec" if we did not talk over 20+ miles this past August 2007 while I was in a canyon heading down from Briggs cabin. Nobody else in my group could hear B~Spec or talk to him except me! He was way past Trona on the way to Ridgecrest. And guess what.........he has a Wilson 1000 with the SWR tuned perfect.....just like me! A quality antenna with the SWR set Perfect. Oh My!

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Well-known member
Can't remembered if I have weighed in before, but I will now.

CB's are a thing of the past IMO, almost a relic that some continue to cling to :D I've been into them since I was 12, had an antenna on the roof of my parents house (magnetic whip attached to the swamp cooler). I could hit the interstate up to 10 miles on a very good day. I was using a 15W? Midland 23 channel base station, with USB & LSB, rarely did I ever find someone on the side bands. I've always had one in my rigs, mostly because it was the "protocol" amongst group runs. More and more when I'm out on trips, its either the FRMS or the HAM. Sorry, even the most well tuned CB is only as good as the other guys. HAM's don't seem to have nearly the tuning deficiencies that every single CB I know has. We're luck to get a 5 mile range with the CB's on club runs and such, the FRMS radios are nearly as good.

I know Scenic Wonder Runner has had some good results (60 miles???) but even 20 miles is the exception rather than the rule. Even an improperly tuned mobile HAM on simplex is getting that... add a tuned setup and you easily double it, consider repeaters and the distance is multiplied. I'm relatively new to the HAM scene (2 yrs), but I wouldn't recommend anyone spend $100 on a CB setup when another $100 and a time commitment will get you a far superior setup IMO. I'll likely always have a CB in my rigs, I do enough with different groups that it will likely never be eliminated... but if I had my choice everyone would be running the F/GMRS units or HAM... cleaner reception that doesn't leave you scratching your head after each broadcast.

Scenic WonderRunner

Good job Kurt.............

You have single handedly.........once again.........turned the "Best CB Radio Set Up" thread............into a bashing CB and a 2 meter is better thread.

Good job.


Well-known member
Scenic WonderRunner said:
Good job Kurt.............

You have single handedly.........once again.........turned the "Best CB Radio Set Up" thread............into a bashing CB and a 2 meter is better thread.

Good job.

Thanks, I try...

Sorry everyones opinion doesn't fit in a cookie cutter :oops: Sometimes the "best setup" is something different, and sometimes someone elses opionion, is as valuable as your own ;) I wasn't bashing the CB, I was simply point out its faults. Why the need for a one-sided slanted approach?

Your "above average" results needed to be disputed IMO. I don't know a single CB user that has EVER had a 60 mile contact, to say a "properly setup" CB will get you similar distances is misleading IMO. If I were to go out and buy a CB based on your results, I would be a dissatisfied user.

As for tarnishing the thread... ask the original poster if he cares... oh thats right, he started the bashing ;)

Scenic WonderRunner


At the risk of sounding unkind......which I do not wish to do.

Why are you here in the "Best CB Radio Set Up" Thread............if you do not like CB Radios and you think they are junk? I'm confused.

I have great results with my set up because I bought a quality CB antenna and properly tuned it. I have no problem communicating with others who have done the same.

Now if others on the trail are not aware of the importance of a quality antenna and properly tuned...........then we are lucky to talk 1 to 2 miles as said above many times. My hope is.....that this thread can help those who love their CB Radio's and use it frequently on the trails.

And..............I didn't even start this thread............I'm just trying to help with my own personal experience!


Well-known member
Scenic WonderRunner said:
...Why are you here in the "Best CB Radio Set Up" Thread............if you do not like CB Radios and you think they are junk? I'm confused...

Please don't put words into my mouth, nowhere in my posts will you see me call them junk, nor will you find me saying I don't like them... I simply stated that there are better alternatives. Choices are king... to be so closed-minded about life is a sad place to be.

Scenic WonderRunner said:
...I have great results with my set up because I bought a quality CB antenna and properly tuned it. I have no problem communicating with others who have done the same.

And that fine and dandy, you can be waiting for the next 7 year cycle of the sunspot to skip your signal hundereds of miles (though doing so would be illegal). I'm simply stating that there is better technology out there without the limitations. I don't have a vested interest in HAM radios, I just think everyone should know the options before they spend a bunch of money on a system that has know drawbacks.

Scenic WonderRunner said:
...And..............I didn't even start this thread............I'm just trying to help with my own personal experience!

Again, please read my posts... I never said you started the thread, I said the person that did was the one that took the thread in the opposite direction, I simply agreed and added my opinion. Neither here nor there, but usually the tone of a thread is decided by the original poster, if he/she doesn't mind dialogue for and against... who are you to decide what makes valid content? The topic was changed by the one that chose the topic ;)

I'll leave it at that if you can...

Scenic WonderRunner

Oh Brother!

Am I still on ExPo...........

Or did I somehow mistakenly hit some wrong key?

Somebody please help me!!!!



Well-known member
Scenic WonderRunner said:
Oh Brother!

Am I still on ExPo...........

Or did I somehow mistakenly hit some wrong key?

Somebody please help me!!!!


I'm sorry I don't live up to your ExPo expectations by offering a different opinion, had I read past Scotts reply before I posted my opinion I might have responded differently... I read through to his post (and dozens others referring to HAM) and I replied as it spurred my though. Have a great night...

Scenic WonderRunner

MountainBiker said:
I would also like this thread to stay on topic. Lots of great info here for setting up a CB properly!

I must say............this has to be one of the best quotes in this entire thread!



Well-known member
Scenic WonderRunner said:
I must say............this has to be one of the best quotes in this entire thread!

I prefer this one ;)

expeditionswest said:
...Everyone I travel with on a regular basis has 2M, which is so superior, I cant even imagine trying to use CB again...

Sorry, I just had to... :shakin:

I'm honestly not trying to hash this out with you. I can agree to disagree. Again... I figured since the thread originator took it a different direction, it was OK. I can respect your wishes to keep it otherwise.

To stay on topic... I have been really happy with my Cobra 75WXST, in combination with a Maxrad NMO mount antenna. I've got a "junction unit" mounted in both of my regular rigs, I simply move the mic/control unit back and forth between rigs, and take it out when I won't be using them for some time. I especially like this in my FJ40, with the top of 6-7 months a year, it really opens itself up to "snatch and grab" thefts. With the Cobra I can toss the mic. unit into the lockable console in just a few seconds and not have to worry about it. I've had this same radio in my older Tacoma, worked great other than one minor fire (seriously). Cobra was really good about the warranty and it was still working when the truck went to a new home :D
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We will always have CB radios, but many of us are switching over to amateur radio because we like it.

No need to get into a heated argument, we can just post up what CB setup works for us and what doesn't. I can tell you that my cobra 75wxst radio and firestick antenna are a terrible combo, but it's good enough for car to car transmission when in a caravan and that is good enough since I use it maybe once a year.


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
Ursidae69 said:
I can tell you that my cobra 75wxst radio and firestick antenna are a terrible combo
This is primarily the antenna. I've never been a fan of Firestik type antennas, they are a compromise at best. I don't have a problem with the brand, they seem well made and are a stand-up company AFAIK. Just a wound antenna like that is not very good from a performance aspect. Naturally with a 4WD you have to be concerned with how well it will take impacts and banging around, so from that standpoint they make sense. But when you're talking purely performance, they're not so good.


DaveInDenver said:
This is primarily the antenna. I've never been a fan of Firestik type antennas, they are a compromise at best. I don't have a problem with the brand, they seem well made and are a stand-up company AFAIK. Just a wound antenna like that is not very good from a performance aspect. Naturally with a 4WD you have to be concerned with how well it will take impacts and banging around, so from that standpoint they make sense. But when you're talking purely performance, they're not so good.

Yeah, you're right Dave. It's been on my to-do list for 2 years now to get a better antenna. When the weather warms up. (I keep putting it off, LOL)

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