gary in ohio
Never said it was your article I simply pointed out the article had no technical merit to show its a better antenna. As for CB not working for me, CB has its place and does well for that. My dad got a CB license in 62 right after the CB band was carved out of the 10m ham band. I was active during 70 hey day of CB and have had a CB in my vehicle for over 30 years. CB as a general communication medium is close to worthless in many areas, Ch 19 once a great spot to listen for traffic and safety tips is now awash with vulgar language, racist BS and over modulated, echo driven signals that are almost impossible to understand. WHY people think over modulation or echo will get the signal further is beyond me.Scenic WonderRunner said:It's not my article....Gary.
It's just links and info from the Wilson website......which was "ON Topic" with what TACODOC said above.......and he really seems to like his Wilson Antenna!
Obviously your CB Radio is just not working for you.....and you don't like CB Radios..........I'm the answer is simple. Just stop using it. They are junk! Right?
Now if you have small group of traveling buddies off on your own channel it can be very useful, but finding a channel that isnt filled with rubbish is hard now a days.
CB still has its place but using for that purpose is getting hard and harder due to the those who feel the rules where not ment for them. People somehow feel that license free means no rules and its hardly the issue. CB rules just like every other radio service and if people followed them then CB would be once what it was.