Best Wife in the World!!!


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Well I finally got some time away from work to sort the pics from my overnighter with Waymon to check out his cool Neon.
I will admit that I was very impressed with this little trailer. The footprint is about the same one of the basic box trailers with a roof top tent. But the useful inside space once it was setup was insane.

Here are some pics and comments...

We did a short trail just north of Phoenix so we could escape the city and get a bit of trail time along with camping.
The trailer tracked Waymon's GX and looked good


Even with just a regular ball hitch it handled a bit of angle without issues.

Happy man here, already put the grill holder on the side just to show off...and then with a few cranks the tent started to show it's stuff.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
What really was cool was watching the big ol' bed slide out and double the space inside the tent. I liked that Waymon could have climbed in and slept without sliding it out if he just needed to get to sleep quick.

Yeah I like the simple sleep inside setup of the burb...but the popup comfort, room to stand, setup a portapotty and the onboard heater were all impressive features.

And the remote propane hookup for the grill was cool. I am looking forward to how Waymon setups a table/cooking area over here.

And for fun some shots of his new tires...they look & work great.


Nighttime shot of the camp


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
The next morning we tried to work the trailer a little harder as Waymon got to know it better.





Big thanks to Waymon for a great mean and excuse to get out of town (I needed it)....I like his setup and think it will be fun to watch where he takes it.


Thanks for adding the pictures Lance. When I was at Seirra yesterday getting my lift, I picked up some tie down strips to add. This way I can strap things down inside the trailer. I will add them soon.



4. Change lights out to LED

Incandescent lights are banned from my trailers too..... One of my trailers is up on blocks, immobile, but that didn't stop me from changing all the lights to LED.

Looks like you got a really nice trailer, which will mean no more attempts by Lexi to join you in bed.

I like the wide track width too... helps keep things more stable in the rough stuff.
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Have a few updates. When I was at Seirra Expeditions getting my lift, I saw some tracks that seemed to be the perfect size for my trailer. I want the tracks so I can tie down things to keep them from bouncing around. The tracks worked great. I had to trim one by a 1/4 of an inch. I also wanted a place to keep the crank for the top. I had some brackets from my Casita that fit the bill. I also added a picture of the inside without the bed portion up.

Inside Trailer 001.jpg
Crank is right above the fire extingusher

Inside Trailer 003.jpg



Progress on a few items on my trailer list. I added a locking tounge box so I moved the battery and on board charger into it. I will be moving the tire to the rear of the trailer. Propane tank will be changed to a horizontal one and mounted behind the box. I then ran wires to a fuse panel inside the trailer. I installed two 12v plugs for my phone and other 12v items. With this done, I now have my radio, sound machine and phone right next to the bed. I am thinking of adding a 12v outlet to the outside of the box as well. When I was at West Marine, they had a dometic toilet. WM price matches and I found the 970 on sale at another site and they match so I walked away with a flushing toliet under $70. The last job was to add some weather stripping to the door. Let me know what you think.

TrailerBat 004.jpg
New Box

TrailerBat 005.jpg
Inside Box

TrailerBat 002.jpg
My Commander on stand

TrailerBat 006.jpg
Charging Port

TrailerBat 003.jpg
Dometic Toliet installed under seat.



Congrats on the new trailer, we need to get together and show off our new toys!
I almost bought that trailer too but lucky for both of us a Expo member came up with a Tentrax that I bought.


I think I need a bigger truck!
Love these little trailers. We saw them when we were looking at Tent Trailers and picked up our Coachman. Ours is WAY large and boaty to take anywhere besides paid campgrounds and the highway... so I am building one for backroads. I really like your setup however, very kool.



I PMed you my number so we can check out each others trailers.


So far I really like it. I will need to get a lot more time on the road/dirt to really know.



Well small change in plans. I checked out the horizontal propane tank my one legged friend had and after some discussion, I think I am going to keep the standard BBQ tank. One of the main reasons (and why Lance has not used the tank) is the ability to just switch it out. Some places may not have tank fill stations, but most have the switch out stands. This also saves me fabrication time. It will just mount on the tongue infront of the box. I am extending the tongue just a little when I add the Max Coupler so I might be able to open my rear door.



Do yourself a favor. Look for an aluminum forklift tank. The straps to trasnport/secure them, are readily available. They hold 33 pounds vs 20. You can get them valved with a POL, and a 1 1/4 Acme fill... which means, you can find ANY propane company and they can fill it from a bobtail etc. I have one of these. They can be used vertical or horizontal. Can be stored either vertical or horizontal. They can also have a gauge on them to indicate fill level(not that hard on a propane tank even without a gauge).

Just a thought. BTW, I saw one of these while camping in a state forest a few years ago... and fell in lust instantly.... but, I could have put it IN my truck at the time.... Havent seen one since....




Thanks for the information. I might still look into it. When I was trying to research prices, i only found one or two more for sale and they did not have the off-road package.


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