Sure they "can", and when companies outsource their manufacturing to China using their own R&D and enginerring as well as quality control, we can have satisfactory results as shown by many products on the market. I'm completely fine with that, it business and many of my favorite goods are offsprings of this economic factor. However when some random manufacture starts reverse engineering snorkels having likely never even installed a snorkel or a FJC Cruiser for that matter... you end up with this:
Yes those are pinholes in the plastic, all along the back seam. Aside from the actual issue of the holes, how well do you think that seam is going to hole up over timeThis is one of the snorkels from roninjiro

To his credit he sent out a replacement (from
Ok, please don't bash me for defending the products i sell... ask the guy that posted what happened after he found that problem... if you are gonna bash please post the whole story.
he notified me via email about the issue, i asked him to notify everyone on the forum of his issue and if they have the same problem notify me, if i didn't he would have not said anything. he was actually surprised i recommended it. i told him to send the word out about any defects so i can notify my supplier with proof.
it is hard enough trying to bring something to the usa that guys actually use and know the guy that sold it to him stands by the product he sales (ie.... me)
i also like how you pointed staight to my auction. yes i sell them and yes.... all of my customers are happy with their purchases. if they are unhappy with it or have trouble, just like everyone else they can bring it to my attention, and i we will work toward a solution of refund or exchange.
also i see it as this, if i am unsure of a product i don't buy it. i sell products that i would use, if i had the vehicle to fit it.
by the way, again i will say it. there are things on this forum that are constantly sold that are copies from asia, but the quality is there and no one cares. what i sell, i have had 1 (one) buyer that has had an issue that was resolved in a timely matter and he is happy like this smiley face :wings: . this was my favorite forum up until now. i started selling these things b/c this forum brought out an interest in traveling the world expo style. i started buying this stuff so i can get gear made vehicle specific for the xterra crowd, that i could use in my travels. but after this slight conflict i don't know anymore.
fwiw, ebay is a hotspot for outsourced goods that are cloned.
last thing, that pic, just means that the material did not cover in the mold the way it should have, or use of less material than needed. because of this i now inspect everything i ship out.