Big Bend, Thanksgiving week 2010


New member
John, great photos and nice travel report! Could you provide some information about bike lift/carrier? looks like a great set up!


Thanks guys. Alpine is a nice place! I need to investigate the spare key thing. I have a history of locking myself out, very far from home..


Been there, done that! Out in the middle of nowhere Utah, got out
to hike to the thirteen faces rock art and locked my keys in the Jeep.
Got one hidden now and it won't bounce out.


+1 on rolling down the window.

It's true, the grass is always greener on the other side. It's still a bit weird to me to see people so eager to drive through our barren desert... but maybe because I was born and raised here; this is my backyard. Likewise, I'm utterly entranced by the big mountains (or even just the little hills) of the Tetons or Rockies, etc.

Beautiful pics, as always.


+1 on rolling down the window.

It's true, the grass is always greener on the other side. It's still a bit weird to me to see people so eager to drive through our barren desert... but maybe because I was born and raised here; this is my backyard. Likewise, I'm utterly entranced by the big mountains (or even just the little hills) of the Tetons or Rockies, etc.

Beautiful pics, as always.


I think it probably comes down to appreciating a change of scenery. When I lived in Midland, Texas, I couldn't wait to get back to Indiana..



New member
Jeep transponder keys go for around $20 on ebay. Usually there is a sequence you can perform using an original key and the new one to program it at home. Sometimes mfrs limit how many keys can be programmed to1 vehicle. You may want to research it.

If you want it to just unlock the doors you can just get a normal key cut and hide it somewhere and forgo the programming.

Nice write up and fantastic pics btw. We were inspired last year by this site and big bend was our first trip. We loved it! We followed it up this year with a trip to the San Juan mts. We are considering Prudhoe Bay next year! I can't say enough about this site and the pictures/stories shared here.


Jeep transponder keys go for around $20 on ebay. Usually there is a sequence you can perform using an original key and the new one to program it at home. Sometimes mfrs limit how many keys can be programmed to1 vehicle. You may want to research it.

If you want it to just unlock the doors you can just get a normal key cut and hide it somewhere and forgo the programming.

Nice write up and fantastic pics btw. We were inspired last year by this site and big bend was our first trip. We loved it! We followed it up this year with a trip to the San Juan mts. We are considering Prudhoe Bay next year! I can't say enough about this site and the pictures/stories shared here.

Thanks for the info!

Yeah, this site has been wonderful for us as well. Instructional as well as very inspirational.



I'd forgotten about this. Somewhere just North of the TX/NM Border, along a gravel road...

[ame=""]YouTube - Southeastern New Mexico Gravel Road[/ame]



красный октябрь

Fantastically quiet..



You know that quiet is one of the things I love and value the most about remote travel, especially somewhere like Big Bend. Have you ever tried to get away from highway noise specifically? It is so rare to truly not be able to hear the sound of tires on the highway. It is the most pervasive sound in city or suburban life. You can ALWAYS hear tires everywhere you go.

I can remember being out there in West Texas and thinking to myself for the first time in recent memory, I couldnt hear it. it was TRULY silent except for the wind.

Beautiful pictures man.


Thanks so much for sharing your trip with us. Amazing photos, and a great write-up.

After 30+ minutes of enjoying your trip to Big Bend, i scroll down to a picture of a building I spent 4 years of my life nearly living in:


The Engineering complex at Kansas State University. I had some amazing times on that campus, thanks for bringing me back there for a minute along the way.


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