Black Friday Ambo


Expedition Leader
That is an interesting idea, certainly the rear leafs have a lot of the characteristic ambo sway and it would be an excuse to have the leafs get some needed attention. There are a cheap set of relatively new e450 leafs for sale near me that are tempting.

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The E450 springs just might do it.

If larger diameter tires won't give me the clearance I need, I may have to add a kit to mine. I can't do anything until my Rockwell axle is installed, which is supposed to be here next week, hopefully.

I did a little research and found Ujoint Offroad has a couple of kits that can be installed together. You will probably need to install longer shocks also.

Scroll down about a third of the page, and look for part numbers AD001 and RB002


Actually I'm not really a spacer fan. I would rather add to the leaf pack whenever possible. Especially in this case when the weight distribution is so off like in an ambo. Having the monster air bags already installed will also help with any minor adjustments.

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Expedition Leader
I would rather do springs also. Looks better and much safer. Until my axle gets here and is sitting under it, I really won't know what I need. From what I understand, it's a larger diameter than the Dana axle, so I may end up needing all new everything. $$$

I hate that you won't make it back for Thanksgiving! Are you staying at the mechanics place, or in the Ambo, or what?


I'm at my new place, but it's a huge drive to my family that's now a monster with the weather. No worries, I will see everyone soon enough!

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Ripped out the last of the carpet in the rig.


The anchors for the stretcher are a bear. The allen bolts barely moved for my impact. Going to have to come back with a breaker bar.

Anyone know what those metal plates they had on the floor are for?

The floor is 3/4 ply on top of a sheet of aluminum.

Inside of the cab:


Now while I have everything opened up I am going to be reinforcing the fiberglass roof of the high-top. It was basically made just strong enough to hold the light bar. Two pads are glassed in for the mounting pads. 2x4 sections screwed into the ceiling supports (/roll cage?) will fit perfectly to help support them. I'm also running power to the board for any future light setup.


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Expedition Leader
Happy Thanksgiving Alex!

Those stainless plates are to prevent the stretcher's wheels from grinding holes (wear points) in the flooring when they swivel around. The wheels go in facing forward, supporting a combined stretcher and patient weight of 200 - 500 lbs., and then have to swivel around 180* when they come out. The plates also make it easier for the wheels to turn around, than the rubber flooring would. Most stretchers have six wheels, but the two at the head are fixed and do not swivel or lower, therefore there are only two plates; one for the foot and one for the middle.


You're making me feel guilty because I've sat around all day, when I should have been outside working on mine.
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Thanks Pat! Hope you and everyone else has a great Thanksgiving! Even if you are a bunch of slackers! :p

Ok that makes a lot of sense. I knew it had to be something like that. My plates looked brand new, no wear at all. I had an additional loading plate in the rear. These thugs would be perfect to chop down and cover flasher light holes if needed.

Do you have an explanation for why the passenger front corner compartment was given a double floor? Maybe something heavy goes there?

Waiting for stores to open tomorrow so I can start putting everything back together. She should look dolled up for her first birthday right? Or rebirth-day?

The cab will be finished wish more utility carpet. For the floor I am going to be going with 2'x2' carpet squares with the foam backing. It will steal some height, but it will insulate well and it's easy to change as needed.

Hoping I can find a good deal on a double din setup. I've settled for just cutting into the dash until the sucker fits. For now anyway.

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Expedition Leader
Thanks Alex, I'll get back on it tomorrow.

Do you have an explanation for why the passenger front corner compartment was given a double floor? Maybe something heavy goes there?

The only thing I can think of is, the cabinet was built separately (as most are) with it's own bottom, and then installed on top of the floor. In mine and in most, that cabinet houses the HVAC system with the A/C coils on top, and the heat coils on the very bottom. Mine has shelves in between, but your's may be different.

Since that compartment is also accessible from the outside, that is usually where the 'Jump' equipment is carried, such as the trauma kit, portable O2 resuscitator, defibrillator, etc. The attendant (EMT or Paramedic) rides the passenger seat, so everything is handy as he/she exits the ambulance.


It was where the O2 tanks were stored, but it appears to have just been shelves there. Who knows, could have been an afterthought.

Here's the plan for the tail bob and rebuild.





Tail lights from the donor ambulance will replace the horrid ones I have now. The rear load lights will be the reverse lights (unless someone thinks that won't pass inspection?)

The rear bumper will basically be a wrap around slider with a drop down section for a trailer hitch.

Now to figure out how I will deal with the spare tire.

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Expedition Leader
My 97 Crestline has the rear load lights as the backup lights... So it should be ok.

Turn and stop are up towards the top of the doors at the sides.


Yeah I have tied mine together to do that, but my stock reverse lights are all that came on before. Not sure if the lights have be a set height from the ground.

Working on a plan for the swing out. I love the way that Ken did his, but I really want to the able to open and close the rear doors without any hassle.


I'm thinking that I can hold the weight off the corner, and use hinges and a sliding extension to make the connection to the rear door.

Thoughts? Still a work in progress.

I can't put the tire too far to the corner without obstructing the tail lights, or too close to the center without obstructing the other door.

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The corner is plenty strong!!
You don't need the 3rd attachment point in the door to take any load. You can jump up and down in mine with it open and there is no flex.


Exactly! I don't want any weight on the door at all, I just want to make a connection there that will pivot and extend to let me open the door from the inside and just swing the whole assembly out of the way.

I'm thinking I can drill through the corner within reach of the light holes and reach through the openings to fasten the nuts just like I did for the D rings on the roof. Is that how you approached it Ken?

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