Expedition Leader
Yeah I have tied mine together to do that, but my stock reverse lights are all that came on before. Not sure if the lights have be a set height from the ground...
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Here ya go Alex... CFR 571.108 - Standard No. 108; Lamps, reflective devices, and associated equipment.
S5.3.2Except as provided in S5.3.2.1 through S5.3.2.4 and in paragraphs S5.7 and S7, each vehicle must conform to the following requirements:
(e) Backup lamps must be mounted on the rear so that the optical center of at least one lamp is visible from any eye point elevation from at least 1828 mm (6 ft) to 610 mm (2 ft) above the horizontal plane on which the vehicle is standing; and from any position in the area, rearward of a vertical plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle, 914 mm (3 ft) to the rear of the vehicle and extending 914 mm (3 ft) beyond each side of the vehicle.
So, as long as you have at least one that meets this requirement, you can put the rest anywhere you want.
As far as bobbing the rear, have you seen how hobietony (AmboVan) did his?