That's the one.
Still uncertian when I'll get back to building racks. Life is super busy these days and side jobs like the racks have had to take a backseat. Sorry.
Saw you leaving downtown today around 5:30PM. Looking good.
Never with this truck :drool:Hope you don't mind a photodump.
Haha. I was just gonna post a similar post on here but I saw him closer to 4:45ish on 200 west at 4th S. So what you rollin in? I'm in a silver 02 Tacoma. (Edit: just noticed your post was from yesterday.... LOL)
Truck was looking awesome Adam! I stuck my hand out to wave at ya...prob looked like I was flying a bird at ya but it was my pointer finger...more like a pistol type wave.... Haha
I also actually saw your truck and a 40 series at Alberto's the other day too.... Do you guys do an off roaders lunch day or something? I may have to come hang out if you guys do....
This isn't for my truck but I thought I'd share it anyway. A guy in VA asked me to build him a bumper like mine for his Tacoma. He had a few changes in mind from how mine is set up, but in general the bumper is an almost direct copy. He chose to do a single swingout instead of a dual like mine. The swing out has a spare tire, hilift mount, and a basket for two jerry cans. I have a lot of hours into this mainly because I'm not a real fabricator and only have basic tools so I'm slow when it comes to fab work. But I think it came out ok.
Here's the bumper itself. Main section is 2x5 rec. tube. Frame plates are 3/8". Side tubes and lower receiver tube is 1.5" with some 1.25" tube to tie the side tubes back to the frame. Boxed gussets on frame plates and receiver. 1/4" plate for hinge mount from Comp4x4.
Start of the swingout. Used 2" sq tube for the swing arm and spare tire mount. Destaco 2000lb latch.
Hinge is from Comp4x4. Lubricated brass bushings and a 1" bolt. Doesn't get much simpler than that, but it works great.
Do you mind me asking how much your charge for making a bumper like this? Would you be willing to make another?
is that a 15 inch spare? does that even clear the brake calibers? oh nice bumper and swing out set up