Expedition Leader
Here is one for $50, you can inquire if it resets Mitsubishi vehicles
A] It's a Gen 2.5, which leads me to believe your rig may be on the high-side of miles...
it is possible the source of your conudrum might lead you back to the Vacumm Brake Booster Check Valve; which if it is failing will give you that "spongy brakes" feeling, as well as require greater distances for stopping.
B] Not withstanding the above, as mentioned previously, there is very likely the presence of air in the system...
"spongy brakes" are definitely linked to air in the system.
C] Replacing all of the - rubber - soft lines would not be unreasonable at all...
again, age is your enemy.
In my situation, I do not have a garage to work out of, I would be inclined to take it in and let a couple of pro's have a few hours with it.
You have good tires, the only other important piece on that rig is brakes... everything else is secondary.
Good luck...
Trying to locate Stainless Steel Braided Lines
It seems rather odd, but whether searching for Montero or Pajero, these Gen 2.5's do not seem to have the support that others do - when it comes to Braided Brake Lines.
Good luck,
is that with sport knuckles, Toasty ?