Mick, Ive said this before but I'll say it again >> It never ceases to amaze me how much quality engineeering comes out of the sleepy old Wide Bay area. I just thought it was full of retirees (present company excluded). Tilt trains, aircraft, machinery, boating, vehicles, etc, etc.
Yeah Mick, Sounds great. We're getting ready for it now. Will have a couple of trucks on display so we'll be busy for sure, but definitely drop in and catch up. Sing out if you need a place to stay in Brisvegas too. My oldies only live 10 minutes away from the ekka. There'll be so much too see. The pics will go down really well here on ExPo. Surely it must be the biggest show of it's type >>> Do you think? I don't know what else to compare it too.
BTW Good luck with the boat show on the weekend . Are you taking much down for it?
No way I can make it down. Crunch time for uni assignments again.
Wasn't the boat show on last weekend? I don't know. I have been busy buying a new house. We don't do Sanctuary Cove show because of the huge fees the charge for a site and our target market isn't really the same as the typical boats at this show.
Can't wait to see your stuff at the camping show. Was hoping you'd be at the truck show
Rosco . Yeah you're probably right but I'm know the West Oz local scene is strong and there'll be some great stuff that we won't see here. Why don't you take a heap of pics and tack them onto this thread after your show? I for one would certainly appreciate them.
Rosco . Yeah you're probably right but I'm know the West Oz local scene is strong and there'll be some great stuff that we won't see here. Why don't you take a heap of pics and tack them onto this thread after your show? I for one would certainly appreciate them.
Well I went and was a little disappointed in the range of 4x4,6x6 and 8x8
and I couldnt get a clear shot of the MAN 8x8 with a full size drill rig on boardrngartis
Generally the truck owners didnt seem to be willing to allow their trucks to be climbed into like they have in the past.
Maybe they got vandalised
There were also a few missing like OKA.
I did find a wholesaler who has offered me super cheap RYCO filters,$28 for air,fuel and oil filter with no bulk purchase required:coffeedrink:
Here's the 4x4 Isuzu and the 6x6 Scania
Well here is alink just for you Mick:sombrero:
Thanks Rosco. That Scania sure looks like it would make a good ExPo rig.:bike_rider:
Geez, John . . . you're not attending?! How wimpy. I mean, the plane flight can't take more than, what, four days each way? :sombrero:If ANYONE attending SEMA next week has the opportunity to take some pics, could they PLEASE , PLEASE, PLEASE post them here or in a new thread for those unfortunate ones that can't.
Many thanks in advance.
If ANYONE attending SEMA next week has the opportunity to take some pics, could they PLEASE , PLEASE, PLEASE post them here or in a new thread for those unfortunate ones that can't.
Many thanks in advance.