As many of our Overland rigs will qualify as Bug Out vehicles also, I would challenge my fellow over landers to come up with the best bug out rig and why. I will start with my own.
Assume a natural disaster that leaves your city infrastructure severely damaged or society breaks down or an EMP bomb takes out all electrical systems.
92 Ram with 5.9 Cummins and Four Wheel camper.
Truck: They made them for many years, they are simple and easy to get parts for (Junk yards are full of them). Axels are Dana 60 front and 70 rear, both considered one ton. NP 205 transfer case is bullet proof and simple. Winch, 10 gallons external fuel storage.
Engine: Can not only run on diesel but kerosene, jet fuel, cooking oil Etc. Parts available everywhere and it was used in everything from generators to bread trucks. And what can I say, it’s the best. Mechanical and not electronically controlled along with the tranny.
Four Wheel camper: Low profile, made for off road, food storage, water storage, heater, water heater, stove and bed.
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