Building Camper for Small Pickups


metal melter
Looking great.

Are you planning on insulating the bottom box portion, and under the benches? That is the only place on mine that I had an issue with cold coming in. Although it will be a little different on a normal pic up. On my flat deck the sides of mine are totally exposed. We still had no issue with heating, but the bench tops would get frosty on colder nights. Our average night out this winter was between -20 to -30'c


I fear you will have little to no cellular reception inside.....
*lack or (or very near) ability to use wireless devices within a camper insulated with it

Interesting, I hadn't thought about that....but the upside...1) Aliens won't be able to read or control my thoughts....2) the CIA won't be able to bug my phone while I'm plotting the destruction of the earth....3) my girlfriend's husband won't be able to locate her through the phones gps. (don't let my wife know I'm plotting the destruction of the earth, that would really piss her off)

Not too concerned about crush since I'm using aluminum siding (more alien thought blocking material?) if I get impacted enough to crush the foam the aluminum will sustain considerable damage too. I haven't glued this stuff on yet. I'm debating if I need to. If I don't I wonder if it will creep out from the frame and cause the siding to bulge out. It fits really snug as it is, but I'm leaning towards some glue.

Isn't the foam you are using more desirable from a carcinogenic/off gassing perspective?

Says is IMG_1524b.jpg

Are you planning on insulating the bottom box portion, and under the benches?

Wasn't planning to, but I can always do that later.

Overland Hadley

on a journey
I would definitely insulate the floor of your camper. I went to extra lengths to get a good insulation layer in the floor my camper.

In cold weather a warmer floor is really nice. And in hot weather blocking some of the heat from the truck is also nice.


Going to be hard to get under there to do the floor now. Don't have jacks yet, but the kind I'm planning to get, Brophy Jacks, I wouldn't feel real safe crawling under the camper without additional support. I'll figure something out.


Took photos with dimensions to Bestway Trailer & Camper Repair this morning to get a quote for the siding. Looked a samples and got tips on how to's. Told me how to do build up the center of the roof to so water will run off. I should get the quote on Monday.
Screen Shot 2013-04-20 at 10.04.20 AM.jpg


Quote for the siding/trim molding has come in at about $800. All the pieces will be pre cut including a custom bent piece for the rear over hang, a continuous roll aluminum roof. I've sent an inquiry to another company for a second quote for comparison. This will put the project something over $3,000 depending on what the interior finish cost (cushions/window treatment).


Excellent build Goober... Thanks for sharing. Very clean/precise construction, great design, great colors... A+ :)

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