I would highly recommend you start with only the 18-135mm IS, as the bundle will fit your budget and provide the best overall performance/value.
If you had more money to spend, I would recommend the 24-105mm over the 18-135, primarily because of durability. Your interests really demand durability, so you will need to be extra careful with the 18-135, as it lacks the dust sealing of the L glass.
Trust your pal Scott and get the T3i and the 18-135mm. Work with that a bit, then buy your first prime, a 50mm 1.4 (only about $300), which will make for a great portrait lens and ideal for shooting vehicles. The 1.6x mag factor will add to the scene compression. Great lens for the money.
Buy a circular polarizer for the 18-135mm, and have that available for mid-day shooting. It is hard to avoid shooting mid-day, but the polarizer will save you when it is high sun. Only about $60 for the filter.
Extra battery and a few 16gb SD cards.
Always shoot in RAW with a large JPG. It may not provide a bunch of value for you now, but if you get a killer shot, you will be glad the RAW was available.
Best of luck!