Buying & Building a Medium Ambulance into an RV – The FAM-BULANCE


Expedition Leader
Bob, is that square aluminum vent one of those that opens and closes as air pressure hits it? If so, could you post a link or send me the info on it? I've been looking all over for a couple of those for my Honda generator box as well.


The vents are 3" diameter aluminum, and equipped with screens:


They don't make any kind of flow-operated vent. It sounds like you maybe want something like a clothes dryer / bathroom exhaust fan vent?


Time marches on....

I'm recovering from getting my other knee replaced, and I've had plenty of time to think. My original plan to install the propane cooktop in a drawer has changed to installing the cooktop in the "action area". Since my original plan has always been to install my propane tank directly below the action area adjacent to the Onan generator (taking advantage of the ventilation needed for the generator), this will reduce the gas line length to about three feet.

Naturally, some fiddling and arm waving will be required. Right now, there's a double level cabinet over the action area, as well as a panel that used to have plenty of ambulance stuff (oxygen, suction, blood pressure, etc) on it, plus a switch panel that can be reduced to half height (I can easily machine a new panel from 1/8 aluminum). At the same time, I'll convert the heating and cooling controls to a state-of-the-art Hoseline CM-3000 system.

The 2-shelf cabinet may be rebuilt to a single shelf, but that decision will have to wait a few weeks until I can climb into the buggy.


..... Since my original plan has always been to install my propane tank directly below the action area adjacent to the Onan generator (taking advantage of the ventilation needed for the generator), this will reduce the gas line length to about three feet......
???? are you saying propane tank inside SAME cabinet as generator? if so.... of to another plan..... dat's an explosive potential no no. No sparky thingys in vicinity of propane tank..... its the rules... and a rule of logic.


The compartment would be turned into two compartments if I go this route - a large compartment for the generator, and a much smaller door-mounted compartment (probably a CPI cast aluminum cabinet) sized to hold a 1# camping propane bottle. The NFPA ventilation required for a propane cabinet is based on the size of the propane container, and a 1# bottle would require only 1/2 square inch of ventilation, so providing ventilation to the top and the bottom of the cabinet would only require a couple of 1" holes through the door of the cabinet directly to the outside.


MN regulations specify a permantly installed "LPG fueled cooking appliance" as one of the requirements to qualify for an RV license. Since an induction cooktop does not qualify, I have to install a propane stove. I'm not planning extended excursions off the grid plus I don't to cook much beyond a couple of fried eggs at a time, and when I factor in an induction cooktop, a 1# bottle should last a weekend or two.

I'm also looking at other locations that might work for a 5# / 1 gallon bottle -- with only a 2 burner cooktop, that would probably handle an entire summer.


Expedition Leader
MN regulations specify a permantly installed "LPG fueled cooking appliance" as one of the requirements to qualify for an RV license. Since an induction cooktop does not qualify, I have to install a propane stove. I'm not planning extended excursions off the grid plus I don't to cook much beyond a couple of fried eggs at a time, and when I factor in an induction cooktop, a 1# bottle should last a weekend or two.

I'm also looking at other locations that might work for a 5# / 1 gallon bottle -- with only a 2 burner cooktop, that would probably handle an entire summer.
Ah I see.

BBQ and a permant propane tank then

Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk


I definitely agree. Pat was a friend to many, and his years of EMT and fire department experience always helped him provide realistic answers to a question. I will miss him - he's been a good friend for years.


I found and joined a new Facebook group today: Used Ambulance And Equipment For Sale. The group is for buyers and sellers of ambulances and emergency vehicle equipment -- I took a look, and there are quite a few Type 1 and medium units listed. Even though some of the units listed are ready to back into emergency service, there are still others that are ready for conversion.


Springtime! That wonderful time of year when stuff that's been hiding in the garage all winter gets sorted (after I dust with an air hose...). I found 4"air vents that I'd thought were long gone -- I put them with the ones I bought when I couldn't find them. I now have 11... A pair of air receivers for an air suspension system, more VHF / UHF radios, a Scott nameplate engraving machine, military PA speakers, Whelen red, amber, and blue lenses, complete Whelen fixtures, and on and on.

The truck even runs!

The other advantage to springtime sorting is it reminds me of what I already have on hand. Plus, it's kinda like a giant Christmas stocking!

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