California smog check for Light Duty Diesels


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
I got my registration renewal for my truck today and it included a notice that the truck needed a smog check. Double take, this is a diesel truck, there is no smog check on diesels in California.

I started to think about how I was going to get this sorted out with the DMV and did some internet research. Well, I don't know if I've had my head under a log for the past year, but California now has smog checks for Light Duty Diesel Trucks.

"Beginning January 2010, state law requires certain diesel powered vehicles to be included in the Smog Check Program. This includes all model year 1998 and newer diesel vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of up to 14,000 pounds and less.

The diesel vehicle Smog Check consists of an on-board diagnostic test, a visual inspection of the emissions components and a visible smoke test".


Renaissance Redneck
99% of the time I love California, when it comes to "rules" and the price of camping I am NOT in love... If only the water temps were warmer up in the other pacific states and province... Wetsuits suck!


Expedition Leader
Tempted to say something rude about this, but lets just say this sounds like another high cost/low value program brought to us by CARB. I'm all for clean air, but really don't think this will make a difference.

Just missed it this year, my Powerstroke will be up for inspection next year.

Maximus Ram

Expedition Leader
Just wait til you go the the test station..from what I've heard from Diesel owners, its not nice ($$)...
And people wonder why we spell California with a k...:eek:rngartis


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
I don't have a problem with the smog check. Although I own a diesel I hate the clouds of black smoke that issue from some trucks. I am left scratching my head a little that this check is only for vehicles under 14,000 lbs. Is there something else for the big rigs?

bobcat charlie

I had to get the 'smog check' on my '03 to register it this year. It is a joke...$78 to visually inspect that the truck is stock, look at the tail pipe while the throttle is blipped. I wonder what happens if the 'smog technician' thinks a little soot is excessive? Would an after market air filter system fail you? Change the intake manifold and fail?

Impossing added regulation and costs on the public and on business is one of the main reasons California has 13% unemployment...this diesel smog check will cost California millions and have almost no impact on air quality.


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Diesels do pollute that's for sure, a Google search for "Diesel Pollution" will provide a wealth of information. One of the top rates summaries says "diesel pollution contains more than 40 “air toxics” including carcinogens and fine particulate matter", and if you delve further you get the statistics of deaths and aliments caused by diesel pollution.

So while the diesel smog check in California may be cursory and expensive I still don't see it as a bad thing. While we would all like to be free from regulations and laws, I don't think we have to look far to see that without them individuals and companies have a strong tendency to go to extremes with total disregard to others health, wealth, and happiness.

I just don't think the owner of that big rig or light diesel is going to do anything about spewing black smoke, particulates, and nitrous oxide into the air unless it has a major effect on the performance of their vehicle, the mpg, or there is enforcement of a law to stop them.
For vehicles over 14000 lb GVW: aftermarket DPF fitment will be required by ~2014 UNLESS the vehicle is an RV.
So get a vehicle >14000 (F450-550-650-750, Freightliner, Unimog, etc) and put a camper on it.



Supporting Sponsor
Sorry to hear that Martyn, when in CA it was aways one of the big advantages of owning the diesel - never having to worry about smog checks! Its a bummer to hear that has changed. Living in VA now I have found out there are other things they still get you on, like yearly state inspections ($16 here) for the entire state, and some counties still have smog testing in addition to that. They still charge sales tax and registration fees at the DMV. Oh, and to top that off, you get this little letter from the local government a few months later notifying you they have valued our vehicle at $xxx and you get a property tax bill for owning that vehicle, never saw that one coming! Kali isnt the only state that nickels and dimes you to death!


That Law is a complete joke. Not only are they wasting yours and tax payers money but will have ZERO affect on air quality. Further more modern diesel trucks get less MPG because of there "new" CARB certified emission exhaust systems. So how can something that makes you use more fuel per Mile help the environment? The manufacturing of these special and exotic systems also produce more pollutants in the environment and add a few thousand dollars to the expense of your new vehicle. Another example is the great little VW diesel that was getting 60 mpg. When CARB came out VW stopped selling them. I never saw any "black soot" come out from these little vehicles. But since they didnt meet the new CARB requirements they stopped selling them. The new version gets about 35 mpg. One step forward 3 steps back. Also these "new" exhaust systems make it so you cannot convert your diesel engine to burn 100% veggie oil. That to me is just a crime! When you burn Veggie oil you have NO pollutants. Burning veggie oil keeps millions of gallons of waste veggie oil out of land fills as well. You have better MPGs, more power and your engine lasts longer. To me its criminal what these people with power have done. All in the name of protecting the environment. Thats a bunch of Hogwash!


From what I was told by the lady at dmv. Right now ca is smogging any diesel with a vin that ends in an even number. So I assume all will be smogged next year. I have a 96 econoline and 80 rabbit pickup. The rabbit doesn't smoke much at all. Either did my econoline.. till I added a dp tuner. Now it smokes like mad when not on stock setting.
Big rigs are smoke test when you have a fleet, which consists of 2 or more diesels. Not including personal vehicles like you and me. I mean I own 2.
The smog guy I know said he's done a few. He pops the hood and looks. Closes and charges 60 or whatever. But they are looking for cat deletes and stuff. A pyrometer is auto fail. Obviously if you have a pyro your watching the temp cuz you've got aftermarket products. A lot of companies are now going thru carb approval for there diesel products. That will hike the price up on the parts to cover the thousands it cost to apply and test them for carb approval. I believe ny and others follow carb so expect those states to start doing similar things.
Even 2011 streetbikes will be emissioned soon. Its just gonna be a never ending cycle with emissions and will only get worse and worse.
Of course clean air isn't a bad thing.

Sent from my T-Mobile G1 using Tapatalk


Oil eater.
99% of the time I love California, when it comes to "rules" and the price of camping I am NOT in love... If only the water temps were warmer up in the other pacific states and province... Wetsuits suck!
I'm still wearing a wetsuit in August no less thanks to La Nina. CARB has admitted the conclusions they came to were based on junk science concocted by an uncredentialed "scientist". It's not going to impact us light duty owners that much. The losers are the independent truckers and small construction companies that are required to retrofit or replace their existing fleets. My super reliable 1992 Hino 4 cylinder tiltcab at work was replaced by an International of the same size and IH's Workforce engine. Results: fuel economy went from 14mpg to 09 mpg. The International is actually louder also. Where's the gain?
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I'm still wearing a wetsuit in August no less thanks to La Nina. CARB has admitted the conclusions they came to were based on junk science concocted by an uncredentialed "scientist". It's not going to impact us light duty owners that much. The losers are the independent truckers and small construction companies that are required to retrofit or replace their existing fleets. My super reliable 1992 Hino 4 cylinder tiltcab at work was replaced by an International of the same size and IH's Workforce engine. Results: fuel economy went from 14mpg to 09 mpg. The International is actually louder also. Where's the gain?

That about somes it up!

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