Shake down trip to El Paso Mtn in Mojave
Quick trip out to some BLM land to check out the truck, camper, and it's systems. Every worked great, my Buddy especially appreciated the AC and generator, he had gone to a party the night before and had been over served, he loved napping at 3pm when it was 97f outside and a lovely 74f in the camper. All performed as it should. This truck is really impressive,great on road and surprisingly capable off.
Quick trip out to some BLM land to check out the truck, camper, and it's systems. Every worked great, my Buddy especially appreciated the AC and generator, he had gone to a party the night before and had been over served, he loved napping at 3pm when it was 97f outside and a lovely 74f in the camper. All performed as it should. This truck is really impressive,great on road and surprisingly capable off.