I just saw the 3 man star Gazer from Howling Moon that is now availiable in the USA through BunduGear (spelling). I was so impressed. The thing was built like a tank. Fit 3 adults with room to boot. The rep is from South Africa and spent 8 years as a guide there so he really knows his stuff. I think they might be at the Expo and worth a look. I just bought one and will report back when it arrives.
I just talked to him this morning...great guy. I am excited to see some more info on them, their site will have the new stuff on it in a few days. I'm keeping my eyes peeled!
The bigger tent would be great for us, 4 people, but they are a bit pricier than others.
I'm thinking a campinglab would work for us if we got the bottom room...so I'm looking into that as well.
The research never ends, I'm going to just have to JUMP one of these days or it'll never happen.
Got a call today from the delivery company! They said they'll deliver between 10am-4pm tomorrow! (That's 20 days since I ordered or 14 business days.)
Should be getting some use this weekend! :camping:
Awesome...shoot us your model and your review when you get it.