CAMPTEQ's 80 Series Land Cruiser pop top Prototype


I have a few projects in the works...
It's nice to be in one place using tools that are otherwise collecting dust, although the dust does lay quickly in the city.
I have been using my fold up side window again for a few months so naturally I have been working on the finishing specs of the 80 Series aluminium fold up windows, but I still can't figure out if all the extra material needed to make a frame is really worth it in weight and cost...

So, I'm keeping busy and for the last couple months in California I have been entertained by trying to get in, and out of my wetsuit while trying to keep it clean and out of the dirt. Also, being very intrigued by all the contraptions that people stand on or in to change clothing. I came across some solid bamboo and hopped on making a few mats. I just wanted a tough, roll up bamboo mat so all the sand falls between the cracks
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I made some 6 plank(24") and some 8 plank(34")
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I have made a couple for friends and I made a handfull of extras for sale. I even made an interior mat for my cruiser. All proceeds go to the following projects..Next is the windows

Douglas S.

I would love fold up aluminium replacement panels! I have the solid, non-sliding rear windows right now - might be an easier frame to work from.


New member
Allready asked this on mud but ....

I would like to built myself the same equipment for a Hzj105 (same size and nearly same weight)

I was wondering how many newtons are the standard gas struts on the Campteq pop top ?

In case of extra load how many weight can they lift ?

Are'nt they too tough when closing when no extra load ?


Not sure about Newtons. I've carried a 90-100# 35" spare tire/wheel combo on mine, and opening the top was noticeably different but not unmanageable. Without a load strapped on, opening/closing the roof is easily a one hand operation.


New member
Thanks for the infos.

I am afraid I will have to proceed by trial and error.

Calculating formulas are'nt that accurate and even less realistic !


I've been trying to contact mr campteq for a while now and he hasn't texted back in months. Not sure if he's still at it! Last I heard he was up and down the California coast.


It will be to bad if this has fallen through, I was really hoping something like this would take off, timing just wasn't quite there for the first go around it seems, if I had only known! Well here's to hopping he's just out enjoying life and will be back to build some more tops in the future.


Tried a couple times to get in touch about getting one for my 100, but he replied in July that he doesn't have the time currently. Also reached out to Ursa Minor to see if they'd be interested, but no go either way. Not often you basically wave over $5k at a couple different companies, offer a truck as a guinea pig and get zero interest :Wow1:

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