Canadians... What's it really like?


oh no, not me, but when your government bans them, well ......

My post was about looking at countries with less gun crime than us. And learning from that.
But if want to be the guy blindly defending his right to carry and use an assault rifle, be that guy, Thankfully Canada is a democracy.
In a dark alley, a guy with a gun or a guy with a knife, I'd sooner square off with the guy holding the knife, even if I were unarmed.

Assault weapons were already banned in the 70's. The guns the P.M. banned mearly resemble them. You stated you'd rather be held up by someone with a knife, but the fact you stated missed your attention. That criminals do not care if its legal or not, thats already illegal . My main thrust of thinking is to go after the criminals. Theres already LAWS on the books that should be used , the fact that an OIC was used shows how these laws are failing. Rather than use facts, the PM just helter skelter banned anything that looks scary to them.Bolt action shotguns are also heading into the ban pile.
You said democracy but nothing about how the ban came into use was democratic. It is an OIC which subverts the actions by a mere "because I said so action.

He has declared thru OIC that my rifle is an AR10 variant when it is not. The rcmp stated this clearly in the FRT. Same goes for the BCL-102 which is derived from the AR102 not the AR-10.

Article 17. CCR

(1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.
(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.



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Well-known member
Yeah when bolt action rifles and shotguns along with various pump action shotgun a are being quietly moved from Non-restricted to Prohibited in the FRT by the hundreds, OUTSIDE of the platforms listed in the OIC, there is some dangerous, shady BS going on.
There are rifles and shotguns being prohibited in such a way the owners won't even find out. Surprise! You are a felon now. And the law didn't even go through parliament. Welcome to your government.

And the fact we have a guy on here who's immediate family member fought for democracy in world war two is here telling everyone how great this is, is particularly concerning.


Well there is no win the RCMP are actively removing the Canadian Law Comments in FRT, to turn rifles into Ar-15 variants because they say so.

@billiebob There are at least 10 these occurrences, here is the Stag-10 as an example look at the dates. Regardless of your attitude about firearms you should be very concerned about this, as it is likely to turn 2.2 million law abiding Canadian in to people who are no longer willing to trust either the government or RCMP.
This is an action I would expect out of a dictatorship not a government that claims the rule of law is all important



Jonathan Chouinard
I'm an ex military person been deployed a few times and I'll let you see what its like from the other side. AUS has moved the #s req for a shooting incident to declare it a mass shooting, yet still suffers from attacks. Britain suffers from mass knife/machete/baseball bat/acid attacks, Norway had their central secure lock up areas broken into and pillaged by the local crime syndicates.
I've been hunting and fishing since my young days. Did nearly 30 yrs service been deployed 5+ times been on the TIP of the spear few times and used a fire arm to defend lives , I've also used them to end lives. I know what a fire arm can do. It c an do absolutely nothing without a person , so why are we blaming a tool vs blaming the person? Oh yes it doesn't gain the headlines .

The biggest thing is if you don't want one fine , but don't think I have to let you tell me I cannot have one . Or maybe i could decide you need to only use a fork to eat soup to fight viruses that live on forks and knives, and see how that goes.
This is the most logical post on this topic I've read in a long time. Criminals aren't going to suddenly stop acquiring guns because they're banned, and guns by themselves don't kill.

Without getting political, I feel like part of the strength of the US as far as defense from foreign invasion is our volunteer military and armed citizenry. Tough to gain a foothold in an invasion with a millions strong defense. "Wolveriiiiines!!!" (Red dawn reference for those not in the know).


And it gets more interesting ,.Mossberg model 715T 22LR semi auto PROHIBITED because one model has a molded plastic shell that makes a submodel look like an AR so they banned them all.o_O


Well-known member
Heres what it is really like in one of Canadas more dangerous communities when the Community Safety Officers..... a fancy way of saying Police without saying Police,..... Don't carry guns. Things get safer.



Well-known member
Heres what it is really like in one of Canadas more dangerous communities when the Community Safety Officers..... a fancy way of saying Police without saying Police,..... Don't carry guns. Things get safer.

Not police. They can't press charges or carry guns.
Awesome support for the actual RCMP and community though! Assisting the police with their work overload and helping bridge some distrust between citizens and the police.


Well-known member
Not police. They can't press charges or carry guns.
Awesome support for the actual RCMP and community though! Assisting the police with their work overload and helping bridge some distrust between citizens and the police.
Yep, probably where we should be spending our enforcement $$$, on community policing, social workers, mental health.

the four safety officers – who took to the streets by spring, 2017 – trained in everything from conflict resolution, intergenerational trauma and mental-health issues to critical incident stress management and bylaw interpretation.

There are still two RCMP officers stationed in McIntyre, but the safety officers respond to many calls that formerly would have been directed to the force, including domestic disturbances and public intoxication, with one critical twist.

They don’t carry guns or lay charges – both because they can’t and they don’t want to. The distinction has earned them trust and respect in the community, as well as national and international attention. I remember 15 years ago the Bylaw Officers in Tellowknife asking for permission to carry guns, ...... their big job is writing traffic tickets.


Well-known member
Yep, probably where we should be spending our enforcement $$$, on community policing, social workers, mental health.

the four safety officers – who took to the streets by spring, 2017 – trained in everything from conflict resolution, intergenerational trauma and mental-health issues to critical incident stress management and bylaw interpretation.

There are still two RCMP officers stationed in McIntyre, but the safety officers respond to many calls that formerly would have been directed to the force, including domestic disturbances and public intoxication, with one critical twist.

They don’t carry guns or lay charges – both because they can’t and they don’t want to. The distinction has earned them trust and respect in the community, as well as national and international attention. I remember 15 years ago the Bylaw Officers in Tellowknife asking for permission to carry guns, ...... their big job is writing traffic tickets.
I like the idea of having these community safety officers and addressing some of the underlying issues like mental health.
It's a complicated issue with many moving parts involved. With more and more people sharing the same amount of space the need for laws and law enforcement will only increase.
I've worked a lot with bylaw officers in the lower mainland and I'd agree they don't need to be carrying guns. I can't speak for Yukon but in BC they won't be writing traffic tickets, that'll be a provincial jurisdiction. Parking tickets sure. A lot of what they deal with is neibour to neighbor complaints, homeless issues, dog problems, etc. I've seen a BLOs get attacked and threatened by drug addicts and dogs. I wouldn't have an issue with them carrying pepper spray or a taser if they are properly trained on their use.


A change in what the LEOs of NA need to be taught is conflict resolution . If you look at LEO's in other countries thats the part job on meeting an incident. Can it be deescalated, if so why not try that vs what's happening here which is reaching for a gun, taser, or pepper spray?


Well-known member
A change in what the LEOs of NA need to be taught is conflict resolution . If you look at LEO's in other countries thats the part job on meeting an incident. Can it be deescalated, if so why not try that vs what's happening here which is reaching for a gun, taser, or pepper spray?

The first rule in law enforcement, is to go home at the end of your tour of duty. Anyone who poses a threat to that, gets what is most politely described as less than the benefit of the doubt.

The second rule in law enforcement, is that if you show up for a fair fight, you're unprepared. We are not there to "compete" with anyone. It has nothing to do with bravado, it is simply being a good steward of the life that has been given to us by our Creator...

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