Has anyone had any negative experiences with theirs?
Amazon.com has them for $419 right now.
A totaly unsceintific test on power use for this fridge.
I took it for it's field feild test yesterday. I have not had the chance to run wiring and a socket to plug it into in the back of the truck yet but wanted to use it for lunch and sodas for the day. I was kicking around the garage and got a bright idea. Why not plug it into the portable power unit / jump start box, it's got a 12v outlet on it.
A 4 AM departure was planed so I loaded it up with lunch, sodas and a couple of beers. Maybe a quarter full, this thing is gonna hold more than I thought. I pluged it in to 110V, set it for 36 degrees and wrote myself a note to unplug it in the morning. I didn't want to drive off and rip the cord out of the garage.
At 4AM I pluged it in to the power source and pushed the test button. It read 13.1V. The outside temps ranged from 37* on the drive over the mountain in the morning, to 72* mid afternoon. We were into it a half dozen times during the day. At 5PM when I unloaded it from the truck, it ws runnig just fine at the preset temp. I pushed the test button again on the power source and it read 12.6V
So, my unsceintific observation is that I could get 24 hours out of the little power source battery before it fell below 12V .
My $.02 is just what it's worth
Amazon.com has them for $419 right now.
Just to clarify something here, Amazon DOES NOT sell that refrigerator. You can place your order there, but you are buying it from Compact Appliance, the same outfit linked in the first post of this thread. Here is a direct quote from the Amazon page:Yeah, and another sixty clams for shipping...
I am getting close to pulling the trigger on one of these. Does anyone have any words of caution about this unit?
Would anyone recommend the extended warranties?