Chevy AWD Van Build - Butch Van Walterdalen


Active member

It could use new tires and id also like to get the 2" lift kit from boulder offroad vans. Should I also look into the rear handling kit as well? New suspension would be nice too.
What color of paint is on your torsion bar keys? (There should be a paint dot) Depending on what color you have stock stock F-150/ Expedition Keys and blocks in the back yield 2.5" of lift for about $80+ Shocks. Or a leveling kit for a Silverado works well and is cheap too! A do it yourself bodylift for more lift is also an option too! I think some high quality shocks are give the biggest ride improvement. I cheaped out on my still is light years better than it was stock, but I wish I had spent a bit more on some quality shocks.

Now my question to the people here is where to start. I plan on using it as a surf/camp mobile. Id like to build a platform in the back for a bed with storage underneath. Insulate it. Put a fan in the roof(but possibly get a topper for it first). Maybe add two side windows?
To answer this question I am going to ask a few: Are you looking for dedicated camp/ surf mobile or will it have to pull double duty as a commuter? How long of trips (distance and days/ nights) are you thinking of taking? How many will be tagging along with you? What kind of camping are you use to? Backpackers vs Glampers have different needs it seems.

Where to start? My suggestion is get out and enjoy your van! Don't get mired with worrying about what modifications to do or not to do things will present themselves as you use it. We have been giving our van a "test run" this summer to generate a want list of modifications. As we take trips we take a sharpie and write things that we need as they become apparent. We have also been taking out stuff we haven't used after two trips, thinking is if you don't use it in a few trips you don't really need it.This way we are only adding things that we need, not things that sound cool, but aren't practical. Our wishlist is significantly different than it was when we started.


You are right. I am getting ahead of myself here. It does have to get me to work and back most days but thats about it. The wife has the car that will do most of our commuting (honda fit)

We intend to take it on beach trips down to baja and I will take it up into the mountains in the winter. Its just the two of us and our dog. We are car campers, not so much the lightweight backpacking type but I wouldnt call it "glamping" from what ive seen of that around here either.

The first things id like to do is replace tires(maybe wheels) and suspension. Right now it has the stock 16" wheels that come with that year. Is there any advantage to going to a 17" wheel?

Hard to say about the torsion keys... there is a fair amount of surface rust on them. Anyone have lift/shock recommendations for an 07 express?

I will admittingly state right off the bat that I am not much of a car guy at all. But with this new van I am hoping to learn a lot more about mechanics and such... Luckily I also have a good friend and neighbor who is an excellent wood worker.


Getting started on the build

Finally had some time this weekend to start working on the van. It was pretty dirty underneath the floor mats. Good amount of surface rust to grind off...

Im planning on using some sort of anti-rust paint on floor to hopefully stop the rust. Any suggestions? Looking at that POR15 stuff or maybe just some spray rustoleum.

Also, the glue where the AWD decal was seams stuck on there pretty good. Tried using a heat gun to get it all tacky again but no luck. Thinking of just ordering another one and putting it on top.




Photo Jul 03, 7 11 39 PM.jpg

not sure why the images are coming in sideways like that. They are definitely oriented properly on the computer.


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I've used Chassis Saver with good results. It's pretty similar to POR15.

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Paul E Dude

I purchased a AWD Safari in 2006. It had the front diff broke when I got it. Luckily a friend had an S10 and gave me parts I need. First I swapped the dif, and put the AWD long axle side on it. Ran it for a few days and thought what the hell Lets go tru 4x4. So I put the S10 disconnect axle on it. and hooked it up to a cable to engage it. (I should have got the kit, because Mine didn't always engage the first time. I put the S10 transfercase on it. Had new driveshaft made for the front. The next step was I found the Metal leaf springs in a Pic n Pull in Vegas. , but I never put them on. I also was planning a body lift, even got the 2wd steering shaft for the lift. But I never got around to it. Little things started breaking and it was pretty rusted. so I took it to the junk yard, and got $50 less than what I paid for it. ... Just thought you would like some Ideas.. I wish I had pics of some of what I did.


I've used Chassis Saver with good results. It's pretty similar to POR15.

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Seems like this stuff is meant more for exterior use? Anyone use it on the interior? Id only be putting it on the floor before insulation/flooring. seems like some pretty gnarly stuff though. Would it be a concern to sleep on top of a layer of it?


I actually painted the whole interior of my Jeep tub with it as a test before I insulated it. It went on way easier than I expected and dried like a glossy enamel...and no odor. I'm happy enough with it that I'll be doing the whole floor of my E350 when the weather cools down.

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New member
16 or 17 inch wheels? Decide which tire you want to use and compare the prices. You should be able to end up with the same outside tire diameter with either wheel.


Went with 17" wheels and toyo open country at 2s. p265x75x17. They get put on this week along with the traxxda lift kit.

Finished painting the cargo area today. Wound up having to angle grind more rust out from last week since it was flash rusting over during the week. I then used "klean strip etch and prep" which worked absolute wonders on the rust. It turned it into a black soot of sorts. I let it sit overnight as directed and wire brushed it some more this morning before painting.



Stoked with the progress on this so far. Next up is insulation. Right now Im thinking reflectix then thinsulate, then maybe a vapor barrier? Anyone else have any ideas or tips for insulation? Looking to get it pretty good since eventually Id like to winter camp in there.

Also this week I installed a cheap jensen head unit and backup camera. Really happy with how both are working. Will try to get some pictures.

Here is the van as it sits now.



Spent a lot of time reading about insulation last night...

Anyone have any experience with 3M Thinsulate? Whats the downside? Seems almost too good to be true sort of thing. Im gonna skip the reflectix step. The more I read and the more sense it makes that it does really need the air barrier.

For the walls and ceiling im pretty sold on Thinsulate but the for the floor it worries me a little. I do a lot of saltwater activities and I know the floor will be the first to get damp. Im gonna try to seal it as much as possible but I cant figure out what Id like as the base.


Engineer In Residence
Thinsulate is great stuff. Used it on my build. On the floors you need a rigid insulation, or some type of supported floor to protect compressible insulation.

I used 1/2" of polyiso under a plywood floor. If you are concerned about corrosion, cover the floor with vinyl (before putting down insulation/flooring). Run the vinyl up the walls an inch or two, and seal all the gaps/seams with polyurethane sealant (sikaflex products are good).

Another option for the floor is a higher density closed cell foam. Neoprene or polyethylene work well.

A good quality bedliner product could also be used to protect the floor from corrosion.


Thinsulate is great stuff. Used it on my build. On the floors you need a rigid insulation, or some type of supported floor to protect compressible insulation.

I used 1/2" of polyiso under a plywood floor. If you are concerned about corrosion, cover the floor with vinyl (before putting down insulation/flooring). Run the vinyl up the walls an inch or two, and seal all the gaps/seams with polyurethane sealant (sikaflex products are good).

Another option for the floor is a higher density closed cell foam. Neoprene or polyethylene work well.

A good quality bedliner product could also be used to protect the floor from corrosion.

Thanks for all the info. After reading some more Im kinda tempted to use cork. Anyone have any experience with it?

Right now im thinking metal>vinyl>cork>plywood>vinyl. Id have to cut strips of wood to get into the grooves of the van floor to even it all out. Might be over kill but after dealing with the rust Id hate to see it return. Although it almost feels like it is inevitable...


Finally had some time this weekend to start working on the van...
Also, the glue where the AWD decal was seams stuck on there pretty good. Tried using a heat gun to get it all tacky again but no luck. Thinking of just ordering another one and putting it on top...

Congrats on the new-to-you van TheEL ! : )

Your pick of tire and lift should take it to another level of fun-factor, or at least BLING Factor.

Hey, if you want to do something fun with sprucing up the "AWD" decal there are some easy DIY options out there. I made ours with the help of the do-it-yourself-decal website. Here is an image of what I did for our rig (and a link to the post with details on supplier(s) ).


Best wishes on the build and the adventures!


Nice score! I've had great luck on a few vans with 1/2" rigid foam insulation from Lowe's and 1/2 plywood over that, then your flooring of choice. Keep in mind that every inch of height you add is one less inch of headroom. It adds up! Another good thing about plywood it makes a strong floor for attaching cabinets or anything else and you can almost leave it floating (meaning no or very little holes into your new van floor).

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New member
Your gonna have fun! If you are near El Segundo, lets chat. My 2005 AWD and yours will look nice parked together- Been fooling with it for years now. Its pretty fully built out- i can show you some stuff that will help in person. Surf/Climb/Travel!

- Graehalsne on IG for pics

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