classic range rover diesel conversion


Try a different oil...

Like what? I'm already using Redline MTF Synthetic. AFAIK, that's the best there is. I have thought of trying Ford's special synthetic made for the MTX-75 gearbox. That's some magical stuff. Just not sure if it's the right magic for the R380.

Talking with Dave Ashcroft, it seems this is as good as it gets. He says 2nd gear is just like that.

It is way better now, after I took the trans back out to do the rear main seal, I lubed the clutch splines with moly grease, something I neglected to do the first time. That made a pretty big difference in all the gears.


Cynical old bastard
Try running it for 1k or so on a basic cheap MTF, then draining it and running on something fair but not too expensive

I used to use expensive gearbox oil, but it's not all it's cracked up to be. I find things work better if you use basic stuff and change on a very regular basis


Hmm, the R380 mated to my 6.2 GM rows through the gears like a dream.

I haven't had any issues in 4k miles of mainly city driving, other than clutch-plate chatter at idle... which is fine, because I used to be a Ducati guy :)


Yes, MTL, that's what I'm running. And that's what I heard.

Nonimous, the other thing is, I'm not sure about running a mediocre fluid, because I've for the R380 behind a 4.6L V8. I want to give it every chance I can, so I run the synthetic.

Maybe it's fine the way it is, and it's just my perspective is different. Once you've rowed a Honda, everything else is crap.


Cynical old bastard
Ahhhh Honda. Two or four wheel?

Oils a funny thing. Rover V8's for example prefer a basic oil but frequent changes - unlike say a Nissan V8 or an Audi V8. One of my motors has a VW 18T 20valve in it - every few thousand miles I have to pour liquid unobtanium into it - oil so expensive I have to use the kids as security for the loan; yet my 200Tdi drinks down cood old 10W40 semi synth as happy as Larry


so the project rover is almost ready to start :) i did final glow plug wiring today.
i did have to modify the exhaust system to work around the land rover fame.
the motor mount brockets have to be cut from the rover frame and new one had to be made .

radiator stays the original one . power st pump stays the same, it only needs one extra hole and it fits perfect

fuel pump stays mechanical.

alternator is ac delco 200 amp unit

i have the videos that go over the modifications one by one


so the project rover is almost ready to start :) i did final glow plug wiring today.
i did have to modify the exhaust system to work around the land rover fame.
the motor mount brockets have to be cut from the rover frame and new one had to be made .

radiator stays the original one . power st pump stays the same, it only needs one extra hole and it fits perfect

fuel pump stays mechanical.

alternator is ac delco 200 amp unit

i have the videos that go over the modifications one by one
so go ahead and post them on you tube



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