classic range rover diesel conversion


Regarding the over-heating, another option you have is adding a "water wetter" to the coolant. Stock cars can't run antifreeze as it leaves a residue on the track, so racers run a water reducing addative that really works, reducing temps by as much as 25*.

thats an interesting idea. some ppl tell me if we use mercedes benz coolant it has that efect also may be less but it does.

mine is fixed no more passing center line problem. now we have to help ltfuzz. :)




Hey Eric, what kind of coolant temp sensor are you using? I have a Sunpro gauge that's now baselining at 160F so I need to change it. Did you find a way to hook yours up to the stock temp gauge?


yes i am using the original range rover coolant temp sensor and the gauge. get an adapter put the gauge on it and hook up the original wire

u can find adapter from many hard were stors, that will bolt on that coolant x over pipe and sensor will bolt on that

what year is ur 6.2?


I believe it's a '91, but PO wasn't sure. Could be a '92 or '93.

Do you mean an adaptor to mount a LR temp sensor to the 6.2 block? Or an adaptor to attach GMC sensor to LR temp gauge?

I'm currently running gauge to the stock sensor location, driver's side in front and below valve cover.

Thanks for the continued feedback..


i mean adapter for the original lr rover sensor. my motor is also 1991 there is tag on the back of ur engin u can look.

the place u described is corect for temp sensor. the only tricky part is the sensor is metric on range rover but on 6.2 is american.

but u can still find adapter for it.

i am posting a vido right now u will see how i did it.
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New member
in general, electronic gauges are calibrated to their sending units, so a Rover gauge needs a Rover sending unit.

Also, did you not keep your trashed rad. when in CO? Couldn't it just be rebuilt? (or did I miss that)

On gauge you guys might want to consider is a pyrometer. That'll tell you if your overheating your engines alot quicker than a temp gauge, plus they're handy/necessary to calibrate fuel adjustments.

Love the "fuel station" :)


in general, electronic gauges are calibrated to their sending units, so a Rover gauge needs a Rover sending unit.

Also, did you not keep your trashed rad. when in CO? Couldn't it just be rebuilt? (or did I miss that)

On gauge you guys might want to consider is a pyrometer. That'll tell you if your overheating your engines alot quicker than a temp gauge, plus they're handy/necessary to calibrate fuel adjustments.

Love the "fuel station" :)

My current temp gauge is "mechanical", but I'd like to return it to the stock temp gauge. I bought a stock electric sensor for the motor, just need the adaptor Eric described.

I'll check out the pyrometer, thanks for the tip.

The stock radiator was thorougly trashed, unfortunately. No way to save it short of spending more when a it was inadequate to begin with.


Fording a stream, bow wave hit direct drive flexi aluminum fan, it flexed when hitting water and into radiator, cutting 2 cores deep.

That's my best guess anyway based on what I experienced.
And no, I didnt hit the ford hard. Idled through.


are you planing to sell the adapter kit ?:26_7_2:
how is the auto tranny holding and how is it shifting like the normal RR ?


its shifting beautiful just like the original range rover. if u see my other video posted few days ago. i was pulling 29' long SEARAY


New member
In your video you said you were mixing gasoline with your used oil. I would not do that if i was you. Gasoline has no lubrication and it will destroy your injection pump. It also doesnt mix completely with oil so if you get a large amount in it you might break an injector or piston. Just a suggestion. I was running mixed used oil i just added diesel to thin it down a bit. And I only used oil out of a diesel so no gas was in it.

Nice job by the way this truck is awsome. I also hope your trans holds up but I dont think I have enough faith in the 4hp22 behind a 3.9 let alone the 6.2.

Good Day.


I am running 4 gallons of used motor oil mixed with 4 gallons of trans oil+2 gallons of gas.

Used motor oil has about 80% more oil in here than diesel fuel. So even if i add 2 galons of regular gas it still has more lubricating power than diesel.

And trans oil is no problem for injectors at all.

I am working on making adapter kit for 4l80e to lt230. + two drive shafts

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