Obviously you don't. You loose money when people buy the copies instead of the real lights!:elkgrin:
Again, having a cheap light on the front of your rig is NOT THE SAME as having cheap important parts. If a light fails, you slow down, use your head lights and the one remaining light to KEEP MOVING.
Right !!!
A self proclaimed "gear pimp" is obviously going to pimp his stuff. It's like a car salesman. They don't care as long as you buy their product and they can make that money off you.
"Sure, you absolutely need this new Top of the line Corvette to get your children to school and to grab groceries" - Car Salesman X
I am the consumer ........ not the seller, supplier, or manufacturer. So I don't have to worry about any particular MULTI MILLION DOLLAR company going under. I'm looking out for me..... You know.... The consumer. I have the say so on what works best for my rig when it comes to lighting. Listening to a "gear pimp" talk about how poser I am for using knockoff lights (with great build quality and more than adequate lighting as pictured earlier) is laughable at best.
I'll go over everything again..... but jeez..... I feel like we are going in circles..... I can buy 5 sets of great (more than adequate) lights for the price of 1 set of better ARBs..... If one fails (not the end of the world right ?) I can replace it and STILL HAVE 3.5 Sets left ..... That's crazy talk though, right ? That's never putting my trip to "chance" or "gamble"..... I can just keep on moving with the rest of my lights. I've used plenty of Walmart specials in my teens ..... and you know what.... They never broke down and had pretty good lighting for what I used (abused) them for. The cheap knock offs have EVEN BETTER lighting and EVEN BETTER Build quality. So I doubt they'll just quit working while on the trail because any particular gear pimp says they suck and not to buy them.
When my jeep wears out China has a copy?
I don't think they do to be honest ..... but ummm.... OK, what's that got to do with anything ?
All car parts wear out eventually ..... and then need to be replaced. (which I don't usually get from China .... but we aren't talking about car parts are we)
Back to lighting ..... and why I won't be spending way to much money on ARBs lights.