You must have reading problems. You said you want a winch that does not fail period. He replied that winch doesn't exist yet. Guess what? Even the beloved 8274 has had failures. Every winch in Warn's line has had failures. Every winch from every manufacturer has had failures. So he is correct......a winch that does not fail period does not exist.
Why do you continue to spew your Warn agenda in this thread that has nothing to do with Warn?
HI Sangster,
Well, I have to agree that there is no such thing as a fail proof winch. I was just trying to make a point. So, let me restate: I want a winch that is least likely to fail under all circumstances. The 8274 is probably the best for this definition. For my uses, I repeat, a winch is potentially a life saving tool. For this you want the best and the 8274 qualifies. It's track record speaks for itself.
I'll leave this topic now. My only purpose was to steer folks away from cheap budget winches which I think are a waste of money and potentially dangerous.