Concealed Carry - What Have You Got?


Officious Intermeddler
It really doesn't matter what you say as much as what the person receiving your message hears.

Well crap, that’s a pretty scary and chilling standard to apply to our forum chats!

I mean, while one can try to control what they say (write) and how they “say” it, there’s absolutely no reasonable way one can control or forecast how another person is going to choose to “hear” or interpret that message.


Well-known member
Well crap, that’s a pretty scary and chilling standard to apply to our forum chats!

I mean, while one can try to control what they say (write) and how they “say” it, there’s absolutely no reasonable way one can control or forecast how another person is going to choose to “hear” or interpret that message.

Why do you fear people with speech impediments and hearing loss?


the issue where we are far off is what you said in your post #148 "a CCW-holder can unnecessarily escalate the situation by withholding that bit of information" And that is where you are so so very very wrong! When an officer does not have any idea that someone is lawfully armed, then the officer’s reaction to seeing the print of a gun, a holster on the belt, or other indication of a weapon is limited to just that and his or her reaction may be different than if the CCW holder had informed them.

On a form such as this we only see the written word it's hard to know exactly what your intent is and what you're trying to communicate but I take that is extremely arrogant on your part and it reeks of condescension. I’ll say it again—I support everyone’s right to carry legally and per the Second Amendment; however, some common sense will avert misunderstandings during a contact and everyone will be safe.

It really doesn't matter what you say as much as what the person receiving your message hears. I feel that when you say we let the judge sort it makes me feel you really don't care about the people you're dealing with, more condescension. It simply means that if you take issue with anything you are charged with, there is an entire justice system, both criminal and civil, ready to hear the matter; there is no need to argue with the officer in the field.

As a CCW holder we have had a background check, and my Sheriff feels there's no issue with me carrying a concealed a weapon. We have already done more than we should have to! And now you want to question us as CCW holders about doing the right thing.Yes, you had a background check when the sheriff issued your CCW, but that does not mean that, at the time of the stop, you have a free pass when it comes to any criminal behavior you might then be committing. As to your comment about already having done more than you should have to in order to carry, I agree; I believe that, barring a criminal record or mental health issues that make you a danger to yourself or others, you should have the right to carry without any permit or other authorization from a governmental agency. That’s not the world we live in, however, and I’m only trying to comment on how to make it easier for both CCW holder and the officer to have a safe encounter. What’s wrong with that?
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A bias against law enforcement now, just because I accept the truth that not all LEO's are perfect shining examples of law and order? Give me a break, I work with both local departments on a daily and I am close personal friends with dozens, I hear their tales daily of the **** they do and brag about, it's just human nature to push the envelope, doesn't mean I'm biased, and a lack of first hand experience doesn't mean these type of things don't happen no matter what you think, I rarely ever get pulled over so I don't see the other side of this coin, interacting with a LEO on a traffic stop, doesn't mean they don't ass up CCW holders now does it?
And as far as generalizing goes if the shoe fits.... If you have knowledge of violations of the law by officers on your two local agencies, and are close personal friends with dozens of officers who are bragging about doing such things, then you should inform the IA units for the agencies and reconsider who your friends are.

So at the end of the day I never applied to get a CCW and have never told a cop that I have one for the simple fact that by law I don't have to in Nevada, I carry a Sig 226 concealed in my DD legally and it only leaves my rig for range and cleaning. Fair enough. If I misinterpreted the reason you never applied for a CCW was because of “****************,” rather than because you don’t have to get one in Nevada, I apologize. I apparently didn’t understand what you were trying to say.


Forking Icehole
Knowledge of laws being broke or twisted is not admissable evidence in any way shape or form without eyewitness or video evidence,
The most I could do is make the admin aware, not much would happen without corroboration.

And what I meant about the **************** is simply this, LEO's all over use the same technique on a traffic stop, they are told about a CCW permit or a firearm in the vehicle then pull someone out of their car, handcuff them under the guise of "officer safety" then put them in their patrol vehicle until the firearm has been secured and run thru CAD, then release the CCW holder as though it was no big deal, well it may be "no big deal" for the LEO or some people but there is NO WAY it is as simple as that in my world, hand cuffs are for criminals NOT law abiding people who happen to have a CCW permit or a concealed weapon that is not against the law, I apologize if I offended you or BritKLR, sometimes I come off wrong in a post.


Knowledge of laws being broke or twisted is not admissable evidence in any way shape or form without eyewitness or video evidence,
The most I could do is make the admin aware, not much would happen without corroboration.

And what I meant about the **************** is simply this, LEO's all over use the same technique on a traffic stop, they are told about a CCW permit or a firearm in the vehicle then pull someone out of their car, handcuff them under the guise of "officer safety" then put them in their patrol vehicle until the firearm has been secured and run thru CAD, then release the CCW holder as though it was no big deal, well it may be "no big deal" for the LEO or some people but there is NO WAY it is as simple as that in my world, hand cuffs are for criminals NOT law abiding people who happen to have a CCW permit or a concealed weapon that is not against the law, I apologize if I offended you or BritKLR, sometimes I come off wrong in a post.
You’re not the one required to provide evidence of wrong-doing. You just need to 1) make sure the information you’re aware of is true or believed to be true (not some exaggerations by a few buddies over beers) and 2) let the IA and/or administrators know what you’re concerned with. They will do their job and determine if there’s evidence of wrong-doing.

In Cali, I don’t get CCW info merely by running a plate or even a person’s name, so again, generalizations like “LEO’s all over” don’t help.

Given that this is the Internet, and not a campfire with a few guys jaw-jacking over some adult beverages, I’m sure much can be misinterpreted. Stay safe.

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