Containerized: Retromod Global Tacoma


Think'n with me dipstick!
Very cool build. I will be subscribing for sure.

A note on peoples comments earlier of the truck looking like a Dodge.....I may have more beer in me or something, but I see it looking more like a new generation Tundra with a few added things in the grille, but maybe that's just me.

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member

Excellent post - not much to argue there. Having spent a lot of time in Africa myself, I can only agree with your comments.


I've enjoyed this read very much. I find myself siding with a number of opinions here but moreso than anything simply enjoy Containerized eloquent dismissal of any nay saying by simply in most cases agreeing with said nay-sayer..

We all have opinions, some will have then said, others may reserve thiers thus possibly allowing that opinion to change. I think I fall in that category, for my opionion at first was "Why?" And "Thats ugly". However, I refrained from commenting as I have found that often times there is in fact, reason involved in the decision making process of a particular build. Here in this case, it seem Containerized is motivated by the desire to cloak the vintage of the vehicle for ease and economy of travel through Boarder checkpoints.

With that I say .. Clever. And my opinion on the headlights suddenly flipped from "well thats dumb, old lights on a new truck..." To well thats clever, old facade on a new truck.

Then there is another motivating factor I always respect. Individualism. Building something absolutely unique, and even a bit absurd.

Why? Because he can.



Thanks, InvisibleOne, for the kind words. Though it's about a bit more than stealth or sleeper factor.

I'm here in Northern Uganda (drove down Kitgum Road today in precisely the kind of African 1980's Hilux that inspired this crazy idea in the first place :smiley_drive: ) and leaving for a week in London tomorrow morning and decided with a friend that we'd put together a short video on the "why" and "how" of the project. Might take a month or two, but I think it'll do a pretty good job showing what it's like here and why I'm in love with various aspects of these old pickups (but would rather have new mechanicals underneath)... once it's put together (September?), it'll definitely be linked into this thread.

Silver dude

Yeah there is no need to impress others as long as it impresses you. I've been shocked with this build. Rarely have I seen this level of craftsmanship and personalization. Most just bolt on parts and call it theirs. Your reinventing making the truck yours which makes this build so much of a thrill to browse and look over. It may not be pretty but the same can be said for every rig in this place including mine. Its looks are subjective to the viewer as its a personal opinion. As a performer I feel it really thrives with your purpose for the vehicle using it as a tool and not for glam at a shopping mall. I personally find its appearance very unique and with character. It gives my eyes something to want to explore and know more about. Its one of kind, rare, with the old parts it gives off a bit of a nostalgic historic toyota feel. But, then the modern construction and performance makes my mind tickled with thoughts of modern comfort. Well done sir!



New member
Couldn't agree more with you. Thank you for opinion and sharing your thoughts. And yes you will find less desirable neighborhoods where ever you go. After my last ride through parts of west and north Philly I wonder if vigilante justice is the answer :)


Some pics of the bed, which has seen some work this week.





Colonal Angus

The most interesting build I've seen. It may not be everyone's cup of tea but I think it's simply amazing. I love the 80 series headlights. Most headlamps of today look too blingy, luxurious and downright tuner carish (Sierra Nevada Torpedo is responsible for the creation of words..sorry). Maybe it's my age but I think the 80 series is a remarkable looking vehicle that I grew up idolizing. I love that it's incorporated into this build.

Keep it up...I can't wait to see more of its progress.


It looks like you flipped the cover for the inverter. Was there a reason for that?
Love the work on the truck. It's a good thing your not close to me or might have had to steal that tailgate. :drool:


Rotorgeek - Good eye. Yes, you can't rotate the insert (plug) of the inverter alone and the housing (if using the OEM wiring) won't fit with the Hilux boxed rear crossmember, since one of its mounts needs to be welded essentially immediately behind the inverter. Flipping it added the crucial 12cm or so of space for the OEM wiring plus some proper waterproofing. For those wondering, the Hilux (current generation) rear crossmember will swap for the Prado/GX or Taco member with minimal modification and provides a much stronger part for only about 22lbs of extra weight.


For those wondering, the Hilux (current generation) rear crossmember will swap for the Prado/GX or Taco member with minimal modification and provides a much stronger part for only about 22lbs of extra weight.

This thread just gets more interesting...

It's surprisingly hard to get good factual information about Tacoma/Hilux differences (for the latest generations or even my Gen 1 2001 DC). Thanks for this useful tidbit!



Don - I don't think it's purposeful obfuscation, I think it's just that not that many people spend a lot of time around both models. I have been under more Hiluxes than Tacomas, but the differences are pretty straightforward. "Hybridizing" between the two is rare, for obvious reasons, but since I can throw stuff in containers to and from Africa easily, it's easy to get whatever non-NA-market parts I'd want, etc. There has been a lot of in-the-field experimentation mixing Prado and Hilux parts, however, since the two co-exist in many markets, and this is certainly possible. The bumper design I wanted to use was thought up in Africa (while looking at a Hilux, not a Taco), so it seemed to make sense to just swap to a Hilux-style crossmember instead of the Taco design, which seems to depend upon the X-brace for a lot of rigidity instead of having a Hilux-style inboard boxed reinforcement. I'm not sure why this change was made, as the X-brace is not a lightweight part. The heavy Hilux variants offered in Australia and Africa essentially use both, by combining a forward brace with a boxed cross piece.


Holding off for the big reveal. Truck will be finished up this weekend, then off to Colorado and New Mexico for a few weeks of shakedown on-road, off-road, and at altitude. :wings:

Looking forward to finally getting her out into the world... still fewer than 15 miles on the odometer at this point. :Wow1:

For those out west... keep an eye out. :)

Oh, and we're definitely moving forward on that short video on the build... it's coming along nicely...

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