custom adapter from Isuzu trans to NV271, I would presume. I doubt that is an off the shelf piece anywhere. The NV271 uses a relatively common bolt pattern, so with a lathe and mill, it should not be that difficult to do, but I dont have either.
I am 95% sure about the locker. They will perform a conversion on a truck that you bring them for something in the 10-12k range depending on components. Drive in and drive out in three days. I call catfish on the patent. I presume the adapter is custom and he has a source for the lockers since they seem to be out of production. Otherwise, ANY competent fab shop, 4WD shop or truck conversion shop should be able to perform the work they are doing. It is not rocket science.
If you are not opposed to a gasoline engine, get the L96 and 6L90 package in an NPR instead of the diesel and bolt your choice of transfer cases to the rear of the GM transmission. Add your choice of front and rear axles and no funny NPR parts to deal with in the driveline.