No Bueno!
Found this while exploring the underneath of the van. Used a scrap piece of lumber, I hammered the bushing back in. Went in a lot easier then I thought. Took the van for a quick drive up the road and upon my return, the bushing was out again. I'm hoping the elasticity of the rubber is what is "allowing" the bar to pop-out on this one side. Nothing looks broken or bent. I will have a polyurethane replacement set on the way shortly, until then, the van is parked. As I've never replaced these before, is there anything I should know? Seems simple enough knowing that the metal sleeves will need to be "pressed" out. I have an idea working in my mind for this. The frame bushings look to be held by two bolts each, do I need to jack the van to change these?
Found this while exploring the underneath of the van. Used a scrap piece of lumber, I hammered the bushing back in. Went in a lot easier then I thought. Took the van for a quick drive up the road and upon my return, the bushing was out again. I'm hoping the elasticity of the rubber is what is "allowing" the bar to pop-out on this one side. Nothing looks broken or bent. I will have a polyurethane replacement set on the way shortly, until then, the van is parked. As I've never replaced these before, is there anything I should know? Seems simple enough knowing that the metal sleeves will need to be "pressed" out. I have an idea working in my mind for this. The frame bushings look to be held by two bolts each, do I need to jack the van to change these?