South Americans enjoy eating several types of rodents. The roasted Guinea Pig in Peru wasn't too bad, but I didn't enjoy the Capybara stew I was served in the Venezuelan llanos.
Cat and dog meat is on the menu in many parts of the Philippines. Pet owners have to keep a close eye on Fluffy lest she appear in a bowl of adobo. Then there's balut, a hard boiled duck egg containing a partially developed embryo. Some people like the embryo close to fully developed, with feathers, feet and beak. I could handle eating the barely-developed embryo, when it's as small as the tip of a finger.
Lots of cultures use blood and organ meat in stew. Haggis, a traditional dish from Scotland, consists of sheep heart, lungs and liver mixed with oatmeal and seasonings, then stewed for hours in a cow's stomach. No wonder Scots drink whiskey!