Have we seen the section north and NW of the GTA yet? You ARE going to use the Old Nippissing Rail trail... right? What about the Park to Park trail, which includes much of the Seguin trail... right?
Man, I need to get a rack system for my bike. And a big fuel tank. And a turbo.
Yes and yes. A section of the Seguin will be used (technical option due to whoops and water) and the Nippissing Ghost Rd will also be used north from where it meets the Seguin. After Noth Bay the route follows 600 km's of gravel roads through the town of Shining Tree and Timmins. North from there to the Abitibi Canyon before heading back south to Kapaskasing and points west :smiley_drive:
Most of that section has been routed and we plan to spend a few weeks in August test riding it. We're also planning to attempt a northern passage above Lake Nippigon. From what we can tell one fellow has t tied three times and made it once. Collapsed bridges and wide rivers will be the challenge..