British Columbia
A report from Ross (aka Manxman) about a section of the TCAT through the province of British Columbia
A report from Ross (aka Manxman) about a section of the TCAT through the province of British Columbia
One of the roads that was closed that was on the possible routes for the TCAT has opened up again. The West Pavillion Road. I rode it the opposite direction that the TCAT will but you'll get the general idea about it from the pictures. Here are a few from along it this weekend.
The start of the road following the Fraser River
Looking back
The road climbs up to about 4150 ft and then goes back down to 1700 ft. to cross a creek and then right back up to 4150 ft again very quickly.
Looking back as I climbed up from the creek crossing.
Lots of curves and great views. In BC, it isn't that often that you can get such open views from gravel roads. This road was the exception to that rule.
Looking down on the Fraser River
Just before the descent towards the Big Bar Ferry. After this straight stretch, it gets real steep with lots of tight curves as you approach the ferry
The reaction ferry starting to come over to get me and take me to the east side of the river
The short ride across
Looking back from the east side. The last 3 kms of that road has always been sandy, but yesterday it was really bad. They had just graded it on Friday and the sand was between 6" to 12" deep the entire 3 kms. :yikes
This road is about 90 kms long to the ferry from the turn off. Between taking pictures and stopping to have a cup of tea (just because I'm out in the cuds is no reason to not be civilized) I spent 3 hours on it and never seen one person until the ferry operator.