Creating a Cross Canada Overland Route


British Columbia Mainland

Ross spent a last week out exploring his proposed route in BC

The original plan was to ride the proposed route of the mainland B. C. portion of the TCAT from east to west but that is not possible due to so many road closures at this time. Instead we rode sections that were open and detoured around the closed roads and joined back in to the proposed route. Some of the roads that are closed are unlikely to ever open up again so a new route around them is in the works. Because the opening of the TCAT is June 2013, the roads that might reopen are worth the wait to see what happens later this year.

Here is what we encountered just the first day exploring.



Later today I will post some pictures of beautiful scenery from the TCAT route.


BC Continued

More from Ross

One thing this route will offer is solitude. There is no one out on these backroads (except for lots of bears).




Followed this little road in and found a single camp spot.


If it was a little later in the day, we would have spent the night here for sure.






More pictures to come later......

More photos from B C mainland portion of the T.C.A.T Route Exploration

We saw deer, moose, lots of bears, eagles, and even owls along these roads but very few people. No problem with traffic:clap








More to pictures to follow.....


Western Quebec

There was still a small gap in western Quebce that needed filling in. Juames spent some time and created test rode this section. It goes through a forestrt zone/park called Papineau Labelle.

Here are some pics and vids from their trip



I headed up their with some folks to ride the section they created. Was having a great day until this.

Spent a longer moment than desired looking at gps, looked up and saw a berm of sand in front of me where the road had be decommisioned. Did even see the other road peeling off to the right. Split second decision.....jump into the unknown on a 500lb bike or lay it down? Laid it down, 60 km/h to a dead stop on my shoulder :Wow1:

The bike is fine, just a few scratches. Me? I ended up with bruised ribs and muscles damage in cheat and back. It was an extrememly painful ride out (3 hours).

I have a buddy who is a walking pharamcy and with his help and some rest I should be good to go again. I leave in 11 days for a couple of weeks on the bike to explore some of the route to the east of me.


Vancouver Island

Quote from David who is making the route across Vancouver Island, BC

Van Isle update
2 Weekends ago we ran the sections North of Cambell River as part of the North Island Ride... I scheduled 2 days to get from Cambell River to Grant Bay and 2 Days Return via a different route... This worked out into some long days in the saddle for people and only a couple of the riders actually made it to the beach at Grant bay... The group I rode with only made it as far as Port Hardy due to tire Punctures on the Merry Widow {alternate} trail... Going by rider input an extra day {3} would of made the ride from CR north much more relaxing... 5-6 days is what I would recommend for doing the whole island main trail sections {not including return} coming off the Nanaimo ferry...

As all the main sectiongs of the VI routes are pretty well done we are now scouting out optional routes to add some spice... Last weekend we worked on brushing the cave trail and were finally {not without a struggle} able to overcome the last of the snow and downed trees on Kinman pass and complete the loop... Here is a short bit of video on these routes:




The next couple of weeks are looking great for the TCAT

On Saturday Manxman heads out for some exploring in BC.

Kiffernathan departs soon to explore Manitoba.

Jenna heads to Northwestern Ontario to ride a section.

I'm meeting Fab next week to ride the Eastern Quebec section.

Sdwebb owes a ride report from his trip in central Ontario.

Gord is planning a cool trip that hopefully will link the TCAT across a gap we have run into.

Big month for the TCAT coming up

Leaving Monday to finish up the TNE route. It should be available for download this fall. For folks who live in the East the TNE will be a great route. Long and remote Primarily big gravel roads that will bring folks into some of, if not the most remote places in North America. Approx 4000 km in length with about 3300 of that being non paved, it will make a great two week trip. It travels through New Brunswick, zig zags across the Gaspe with some nice mountain roads through the Chic Choc mountains, ferries across the St Lawrence river to a town called Baie Comeau, shares the TCAT route to a town in northern Quebec called Chibougamau, follows the Rue Du Nord to the James Bay Highway and finishes at the end of the Trans Taiga highway. A real wilderness route

The new website to host the routes is coming along nicely and we expect it to be available this upcoming fall. Along with the TNE route there is one that's been submitted and will be available when the site goes live, it's a 2 day loop in eastern Quebec. A few more routes are in process of being made as well. Mild to wild, the goal is to have a bunch of multi day routes from around the country available as free downloads. If anyone has a favorite route and would like to share it, shoot mean email.

For the Northwest (Yukon, NWT) of Canada we decided not to do routes but to rather just have a bunch of info and pics of the big "classics". Dempster, Canol, Campbell, Nahanni Range, etc. Thanks in advance to everyone who helped with photos and info for these areas . When the whole TCAT project gets finished I think a trip to this area of the country is what will be next fir me

All for now, I'll be back in a couple of weeks and should have some tales to tell


Any room up there for a southerner with a XF200?I gotta come ride some of those trails.I'm jealous.You guys are having to much fun up there.


Vancouver Island BC

A quick update from David on Vancouver Island
2 Weekends ago we ran the sections North of Cambell River as part of the North Island Ride... I scheduled 2 days to get from Cambell River to Grant Bay and 2 Days Return via a different route... This worked out into some long days in the saddle for people and only a couple of the riders actually made it to the beach at Grant bay... The group I rode with only made it as far as Port Hardy due to tire Punctures on the Merry Widow {alternate} trail... Going by rider input an extra day {3} would of made the ride from CR north much more relaxing... 5-6 days is what I would recommend for doing the whole island main trail sections {not including return} coming off the Nanaimo ferry...

As all the main sectiongs of the VI routes are pretty well done we are now scouting out optional routes to add some spice... Last weekend we worked on brushing the cave trail and were finally {not without a struggle} able to overcome the last of the snow and downed trees on Kinman pass and complete the loop... Here is a short bit of video on these routes:


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