Asking for trouble. Kids, having a snorkel and a winch doesn't make situations like this safe, I don't care how much scouting you do. Do not try at home. Maybe at some remote location in Bolivia where you're on the only road for 100 miles and you have no other option... fine. But it comes down to "Risk vs. Reward," and doing this for "fun" is entirely too risky; risk at the cost of your beloved truck and possible the life of yourself, or worse, your rescuer.
And for what reward? Bragging rights on an internet forum... pffft. Whatever.
Clark, not looking to stir up trouble with you, man. Nothing personal at all, just commentary on these types of overlanding choices. It's just situations like there which can all too quickly end up on CNN, and make the rest of us trail enthusiasts look some second cousin to the Bear Grylls wannabes of the world.
It is my understanding that it is better to drive from an upstream position on the nearside, to a downstream position on the farside--i.e. go with the flow, not steer into it. I thought I'd heard Scott remark once in here about how this offers better traction b/c it offsets buoyancy, take less effort from the engine/gears b/c you're not fighting the current, and is safer b/c of less chance of the truck rolling.
Am I wrong in thinking this? Any Overland Training Certified gurus wanna chime in on this?
(Doggone, I need to man up, drop the $1200, and get certified!
