Cummins Canoe (A Stepvan Story)


It would be nice to find a fan for a vehicle that I can get anywhere, instead of some fancy aftermarket one. My radiator is 18"x28". I'll look into the Ford Taurus. I don't need much air movement, 95% of the time this engine wouldn't even need a fan. It was really just that one mountain pass I had a problem with.


Expedition Leader
Ford E series front end work definitely sucks… I’d consider a 4WD swap just to get rid of it. An axle swap is almost less work than the stock.

Good luck with that mess.


Haha, throw in a GM axle! In mean time, make sure you grease your brake guide pins on a bi-weekly schedule! I'll be good here. Not my first time doing major surgery on the side of the road. I got some cold drinks and ice cream, so I'll manage here for a few days.


Expedition Leader
Haha, throw in a GM axle! In mean time, make sure you grease your brake guide pins on a bi-weekly schedule! I'll be good here. Not my first time doing major surgery on the side of the road. I got some cold drinks and ice cream, so I'll manage here for a few days.
Almost that frequently… about a months back my left front brakes started smoking. They seemed fine the previous day, the rig seemed to be wandering a bit the first trip in the morning. On the second trip it went from wandering, to pulling, and to rip the steering wheel out of your hands if you brake hard. By the time I stopped in the driveway they were literally smoking.

Turned out the calliper wasn’t floating, and the left brake was dragging. Cleaned up both sides and it’s been fine ever since.

In contrast, I converted my Fj40 to disc brakes, used the cheap $20 pads because I’d not replaced the rotors… 19 years later the callipers I’d rebuilt were still going strong and there was pad left. Even though it sat for a year here, and two there, they still worked great. Still I replaced all of it since they’d not been touched in 18 years and 95,000 miles. I didn’t want any surprises and the rotors didn’t have enough left to turn them 19 years earlier.


Probably the biggest downsides to a stepvan is the noise. But these headsets solve that, plus, we can make handsfree phonecalls and everyone with a headset on can tune in on the call! Not really worried about the weight, as we don't plan to drive more than 4 hours at a time.
Can you give more details on the headsets and the setup? Which ones are they and how do you set them up?


Expedition Leader
Those headsets may be heavy, but a small price to pay in order to keep your hearing and be able to talk to people. They are expensive, so we got we could get off eBay. Do you recommend any lighter headsets that won't break the bank?
I love the intercom Idea. The David Clarks will last you forever. I still have mine from almost 20 years ago and they are as good as new. I use Clarity Aloft now but if you want something light that won't break the bank account, I think you're out of luck.


JB Weld might have fixed the crankshaft, but I don't think it's gonna work on this one!:p

The headsets plug into a Sigtronics Transcom intercom system that plugs into the radio on small aircrafts and such. I just plugged it into a 12 volt outlet and taped the the plugs that go into the radio and just use it as an intercom system. Works great!

Oh, a Jeep 4cylinder shroud might work because those engines are set back kinda far too!


Got to work the next day immediately, ripping apart this mess.

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Lots of seized components. No point in trying to save anything, as it's all tore up pretty bad. Let it burn. Glad I have a torch onboard.

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Once I got everything out I was able to assess the true damage. The bottom control arm is shot, snapped and the balljoint ripped out. The upper control arm is bent all to hell from not having the lower control arm supporting anything. The tire and steering knuckle being ripped back into the fender well caused the floor in the cab to bend out and wrapped the tie rod around the frame. And looking at the sway bar, it's time for new bushings.

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Don't believe me? There ya go. The balljoint is fine! Could totally reuse it! Control arms, hmmm, might need new ones. That may be hard to find. Might have to try JB Weld...

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But, since it's all apart, we're going to get new balljoints for the passenger and driver side. Unfortunately, I don't have an air gun or balljoint press, so I need to get crafty with what I gots.


Expedition Leader
Got to work the next day immediately, ripping apart this mess.

View attachment 683282
Lots of seized components. No point in trying to save anything, as it's all tore up pretty bad. Let it burn. Glad I have a torch onboard.

View attachment 683283
Once I got everything out I was able to assess the true damage. The bottom control arm is shot, snapped and the balljoint ripped out. The upper control arm is bent all to hell from not having the lower control arm supporting anything. The tire and steering knuckle being ripped back into the fender well caused the floor in the cab to bend out and wrapped the tie rod around the frame. And looking at the sway bar, it's time for new bushings.

View attachment 683284
Don't believe me? There ya go. The balljoint is fine! Could totally reuse it! Control arms, hmmm, might need new ones. That may be hard to find. Might have to try JB Weld...

View attachment 683285
But, since it's all apart, we're going to get new balljoints for the passenger and driver side. Unfortunately, I don't have an air gun or balljoint press, so I need to get crafty with what I gots.
Shite. That’s much worse than a ball joint.

it looks like it was cracked for a while. I’d carefully inspect the other control arms for other cracks, they may not be far behind.

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