Death of the b*tchin' Defender?!

Andrew Walcker

Mod Emeritus
Michael Slade said:
ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS have a fire extinguisher in your truck. Some of mine even have two (one in front, one in back...).

That is some great advice. I've got a Halon unit from these guys so when it happens I don't have a lot of clean-up from the chemicals.

Mine is mounted in the back but now thinking I should grab another unit for the front.

Still bumming for you Graham!!!


Safari Chick & Supporting Sponsor
Wow, Graham - you and Connie must be still shaken!

Good lessons there - both in working with electricals and in being prepared, which saved the Defender and you - glad you were not burned.

Whew, keep us up to date.


Expedition Leader
Andrew Walcker said:
That is some great advice. I've got a Halon unit from these guys so when it happens I don't have a lot of clean-up from the chemicals.

Mine is mounted in the back but now thinking I should grab another unit for the front.

Still bumming for you Graham!!!

I've read that halon systems are not effective for underhood fires because the gas just falls right out the bottom of the engine bay. Is that not the case?


Expedition Poseur
R_Lefebvre said:
I've read that halon systems are not effective for underhood fires because the gas just falls right out the bottom of the engine bay. Is that not the case?

Just like CO2, it is heavier than air. So, yes, it will "fall" out of the bottom of the engine compartment on a automobile. But it does a good job of putting out fires none the less. You don't get the saturation time, and the risk of re-ignition is greater....but it will put fires out. I have used portable halon extinguishers to put out fires in open areas, on elevated worked great.

Halon has its up sides....and its downsides. One of the latter is that it forms a toxic cloud when it reaches a certain temperature (I don't recall what that temperature is.....). It is also not very environmentally friendly, and is no longer being produced. The only Halon that is currently available is that which is recovered from existing systems. When the supply is gone, it is gone. It can also be expensive.

Despite what the military tells you, it DOES displace oxygen. I have been in an enclosed space when a 17lb Halon 1211 bottle fell out of it's mount and discharged. I couldn't breath down below, but was able to breath as I went up the ladder to light off the vent fans.


El Gringo Spectacular!
Yikes!! You're thread caption had me really concerned!

I hope there's less damage than you think....wanna trade for a troopy? :rolleyes:




Expedition Leader
You can order replacement Mooreland cloth and seat foam through Atlantic British, by special order. You have to call them.

I had been thinking of lining my battery box with fire resistant material, such as Second Skin firewall (which I have). I may have to expedite that. I was also going to install a second cutoff switch down the road for my second battery. Didn't think about covering my leads to the batter isolator solenoid..:oops:

any dash or headline damage? post a pic, maybe I have something laying around that can help. SOOO glad you got it out quickly. Don't scare us with a thread title like that.


16 Years on ExPo. Whoa!!
Congrats on saving the Defender, definitely a close call. Hope it doesn't smell too bad. This almost happened to me a couple years ago in Moab. I look over and see smoking pouring out of my truck from some melting wire, related to an electric motor that had blown and was causing a shorts... Luckily I saved it :)


Sorry to hear about this. Hopefully, the damage isn't too bad.

At first, I thought I missed the post from april fools. But it looks like the real thing, and no joke.:(


It was more drama than I needed on a Sunday afternoon, that's for sure! I was stupid and just trying to be fast, so I didn't take the time to make sure everything was secure. Very dumb!!

Anyway, pics attached. The damage isn't bad, just the hellroaring system and some wire. :eek: The seats are fine as is the headliner. Steering wheel got slightly singed, but not bad.

Hope it doesn't smell too bad

Worst part is the smell! Electrical fires stink something horrid!! And now the inside of the truck smells like that.

So you're not having a fire sale?

Hmmm, got a LC you'd like to trade for a non-functional Defender? :p

I don't think it will take too long to fix. Just one of those frustrating things. Thanks for the support. And, yes, carry a fire extinguisher. The one in the truck slowed it down enough to allow me to get two from the house.



Supporting Sponsor - Sierra Expeditions
You scared the crap out of me with the tread title!

Glad you made it uninjured, but the injured family member has to hurt.

Andrew Walcker

Mod Emeritus
I've heard that the residue from the fire extinguisher can be pretty caustic to metal and is harder to remove the longer you leave it.

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