Originally posted by DesertRose
Wow, Graham - you and Connie must be still shaken!
And I am off in Tennesee, so the only thing I have seen is the same pics everyone else has seen :yikes: but could have been so much worse!!
Graham is a pretty calm guy and he's telling me about this on the phone and I've got a bunch of people around me and this is how my end of the conversation goes. (me in calm voice too)
On fire? (everyone around me gets instantly quiet)
How bad?
You okay?
Under the hood or in the cab?
Soooo....do we need a new seat?
At this point everyone around me bursts out laughing because they could tell that something bad had gone down and apperently the seat comment in a calm tone was funny. Then I'm trying not to laugh, because I know Graham is pretty upset, and me struggling not to laugh makes them laugh even harder.
Wow, and I thought Moab dust was hard to get out of the truck. Guess I know what we are doing this weekend.