Death of the b*tchin' Defender?!


Expedition Leader
Andrew Walcker said:
I've heard that the residue from the fire extinguisher can be pretty caustic to metal and is harder to remove the longer you leave it.

x2 hose it out quickly and thoroughly. LR electrics don't need any help on being problematic.



Connie leaves town and look what happens!!!!!

Glad all is as well as can be expected and you're not burnt!

I'm pleased we don't have a crispy Defender either!

As always if there's anything I can do.. To think your truck sat my driveway nose to nose with mine just the day before!!!!

Call Chris at Badger coachworks he could probably fix you up with some flame retardant seat covers!, Acutally there is a guy on EBay selling OEM for $50. We use Citrus cleaner to eliminate Electrical smoke smell here at the shop, works pretty good. Not to say we have a lot of electrical fires but the one's we have had yada yada ....


El Gringo Spectacular!
x3 on clean that chemical residue out ASAP! Nasty stuff if you don't get to it!



Lesson learned. I was working on the electrical of our 110 as well yesterday and that small space in the box always freaks me out when I detach leads. I'm going to store some tape in the box for the next project when they come off. Poor Hellroaring unit! :(

Halon might be a good idea since that box would hold some of it (although most have a LOT of holes leading out). heck, I don't know if I would have fared as well as I don't have 4 extinguishers.

Cook a nice garlic, onion, califlour, beet and brocoli soup and some salmon in the back of the truck, that'll cover the smell.:ylsmoke:


But wait, it's a Land Rover, they don't corrode :exclaim:

I've been working on it all morning. 1 minute of discharge, hours and hours of clean-up!




Expedition Leader
revor said:
To think your truck sat my driveway nose to nose with mine just the day before!!!!

The moral of this story is: Hang out with Keith and you get burned... :campfire:


El Gringo Spectacular!
At least it's still with us....rather clean up than just call your insurance agent to replace that 1968 Rover....;)



Wow you are really lucky you saved it! I had the opportunity to ee the remains of a 109 that went up in a fire. It was a terrible thing- especially because the fellow had only recently finished a complete restoration. It supposedly caught fire at an intersection and he had just enough time to bail out and grab his dog. It was a complete loss - a puddle of molten aluminum when it finally went out.

Last I knew he was trying to rebuild it but $ was big problem because I don't think it was insred for its actual replacement value. Anyone know who I am talking about? I think he was a photographer- it was a nice beige 109.


Day walker, Overland Certified OC0013
Originally posted by DesertRose
Wow, Graham - you and Connie must be still shaken!

And I am off in Tennesee, so the only thing I have seen is the same pics everyone else has seen :yikes: but could have been so much worse!!

Graham is a pretty calm guy and he's telling me about this on the phone and I've got a bunch of people around me and this is how my end of the conversation goes. (me in calm voice too)

On fire? (everyone around me gets instantly quiet)

How bad?

You okay?

Under the hood or in the cab? we need a new seat?

At this point everyone around me bursts out laughing because they could tell that something bad had gone down and apperently the seat comment in a calm tone was funny. Then I'm trying not to laugh, because I know Graham is pretty upset, and me struggling not to laugh makes them laugh even harder.:eek:

Wow, and I thought Moab dust was hard to get out of the truck. Guess I know what we are doing this weekend.

marc olivares

kellymoe said:
That sucks! I had something similar happen to me last year. I was charging my batteries with a 50w panel with the wires running down from the roof and in the door. The door pinched the wires which caused the wires to touch at a weakened spot and heat rapidly. I went out to find all the insulation burned off the wires and the seat starting to catch fire. Tragedy was quickly averted.

Sounds like yours was much worse butt also sounds like you are very fortunate and will have things sorted in no time.

the irony of you catching your truck on fire is pretty rich.... :D


overlander said:
The moral of this story is: Hang out with Keith and you get burned... :campfire:

You'll pay for that comment!!:Astrologist: I'm watching you mister!


There's some classic humor in this thread. . .

So I called Hellroaring today to get a replacement. Conversation goes something like this:

"Hi, I'd like to purchase one of your BIC units."

"Okay, which one are you interested in?"

"The BIC-85150A."

"Okay. Have you considered the 95150B?"

"Uh, no. I don't know anything about it."

"Well, it's our new unit. It replaces the 85150A, but the control diode is inside the unit."

"Well that's cool. Is the wiring the same as the 85150? Does it use the same remote switch?"

"Yes, wiring is the same except for the control diode. It's about 50% more efficient, which means it runs a lot cooler."





Graham, did you mentioned the use on a diesel? I know it's been a point for thm to bring up in the past.
They ALWAYS seem to be making them more efficient :).


I didn't mention the diesel part. The guy was pretty relieved that I took responsibility for the fire and didn't blame their electronics. . .


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