Death Valley Days: April 17-21

Hey everyone! Here are the photo's. These photographs were taken by myself, Jenn, Dave G, and others with my camera. They are not the most technically perfect images, they are more just snapshots. You are free to take any image you want and use them for whatever you want since these will not be used for anything important. There are 181 photo's so take your time and there are a lot of images that are very similar to each other. The good images are being developed as we speak:) .

There are two ways to view these images. The first link brings you to a nice clean and faster way to view them.

Death Valley Trip Photo's

The second way below brings you to small thumbs that you can click on and save to your computer.

Phil and Jenn's Death Valley/California Trip Photo's

Here is the slideshow view.

Death Valley Trip Photo's

We are still working on the video.
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Camp Ninja
Awesome pics Phil! Oh I will get a pic of the wine bottle up for you shortly.

I asked a mod to move part of this thread from #153 on to the completed portion of the forum.



Man you sure can take nice pics when your not chasing a three year old! Thank you so much for posting those up.


Expedition Leader
Looks like a fun time guys and gals...I will return to that someday and make it through!

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