Death Valley with the Tacoma - Thanksgiving weekend 2015


New member
I did not take any pictures of the hot springs. They were usually being enjoyed by naked people and I did not feel it to be appropriate. Daytime temps were in the high 60's and low 70's in the valley. At south pass it was below freezing.

All the more to take pics and offer to sell them back to the people.:ylsmoke:
Ron W.


Huge member
I took a quick look for your rig on Saturday night but we pulled in kinda late. Looks like you had a great trip, ours too.

I put together a trip report here:

I kept an eye out for a burly blue jeep but never saw you. I had cold beers all ready to go!
We were in the "no man's land" between the upper and lower springs on the right hand side, as far off the path as we could be close to the wash.

I'll go check out your report.


New member
Look's like you took Panament Valley Rd. through Trona, how was the two mile unpaved section on Trona Wildrose Rd. ? Rough?


New member
We found a flat spot and parked the Tacoma.

I put the solar panels out to run the Engel fridge so we could keep the food and beer cold.


This is awesome!


We have done many Thanksgivings in Utah. Anywhere from 8" of snow to being out in the sun at 65 degrees with a beer. I suppose we need to come up with new methods of cooking a turkey as I believe we have tried most of them. I am still expected to bring several dishes of my special recipe dressing as it seems to be gone at the end of the day. If any is left, I fry it up for breakfast the next morning. A friend with a recently diagnosed cardic conditon knocked on my door, walked in and grabbed a fork and dug in to the pan. He knew it wasn't good for him but he couldn't restrain himself.Really, if you can find the Pepperidge Farm blue bag dressing and follow the directions on the back and add all the things like celery, onions, sausage and chicken stock. You are pretty much there. There are a few other things I will keep to myself. Nothing strange like oysters. I suppose I need to try it with scallops? None of the extra things come from the sea, I just thought that they could be fun in a dressing. I do know my way around a kitchen.

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